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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2E, I, L, P and S

ECLIPSEeclipse n. (Astronomy) An alignment of astronomical objects whereby one object comes between the observer (or notional…
eclipse n. Especially, an alignment whereby a planetary object (for example, the Moon) comes between the Sun and…
eclipse n. (Ornithology) A seasonal state of plumage in some birds, notably ducks, adopted temporarily after the…
ELLIPSEellipse n. (Geometry) A closed curve, the locus of a point such that the sum of the distances from that point to…
ellipse v. (Grammar) To remove from a phrase a word which is grammatically needed, but which is clearly understood…
Ellipse prop.n. A park in Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
EPHELISephelis n. (Dermatology, pathology) Synonym of freckle.
EPHELIS n. (Latin) a freckle or mole.
EPISTLEepistle n. A letter, or a literary composition in the form of a letter.
epistle n. (Christianity) One of the letters included as a book of the New Testament.
epistle v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To write; to communicate in a letter or by writing.
KELPIESkelpies n. Plural of kelpie.
KELPY n. (Scots) a water-horse, a fabulous beast, also KELPIE.
PELISSEpelisse n. A fur-lined or robe or cloak, especially as part of a uniform.
pelisse n. (Now historical) A long cloak formerly worn by women, with a shoulder cape or hood, often lined or trimmed with fur.
pelisse n. (Now rare) An overgarment worn by children when outside.
PELITESpelites n. Plural of pelite.
PELITE n. any rock derived from clay or mud.
PENSILEpensile adj. Hanging down, suspended.
PENSILE adj. hanging loosely.
REPLIESreplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reply.
replies n. Plural of reply.
REPLY v. to answer.
SEEDLIPseedlip n. Alternative form of seedlep.
SEEDLIP n. a sower's basket.
SPEILEDSPEIL v. (Scots) to climb, also SPEEL.
SPIEGELSpiegel prop.n. A surname from German.
SPIEGEL n. (German) an iron alloy used in the Bessemer process, also SPIEGELEISEN.
SPIELEDspieled v. Simple past tense and past participle of spiel.
SPIEL v. to talk at length.
SPIELERspieler n. (Slang, now chiefly Australia, New Zealand) A swindler, a gambler.
spieler n. A gambling club.
spieler n. A person who speaks fluently and glibly; a barker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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