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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2E, I, L, N and T

CENTILEcentile n. Clipping of percentile.
CENTILE n. a value of a statistical variable.
ENTITLEentitle v. To give a title to. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
entitle v. To dignify by an honorary designation.
entitle v. To give power or authority (to do something).
GENTILEgentile adj. Non-Jewish.
gentile adj. Heathen, pagan.
gentile adj. (Mormonism) Non-Mormon.
LENIENTlenient adj. Lax; not strict; tolerant of dissent or deviation.
lenient n. (Medicine) A lenitive; an emollient.
LENIENT adj. not severe, tolerant.
LENITEDlenited v. Simple past tense and past participle of lenite.
LENITE v. to articulate a lenis.
LENITESlenites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lenite.
LENITE v. to articulate a lenis.
LICENTESENTE n. a monetary unit of Lesotho.
LINEATElineate adj. (Zoology) Marked with lines.
lineate adj. (Botany) Marked longitudinally with depressed parallel lines.
LINEATE adj. marked with lines, also LINEATED.
LISENTElisente n. Plural of sente.
SENTE n. a monetary unit of Lesotho.
NETLIKEnetlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a net, especially in having many small openings.
net-like adj. Alternative spelling of netlike.
NETLIKE adj. like a net.
PENLITEpenlite n. Dated form of penlight.
penlite n. (Dated) A battery or cell of size AA, size AAA, or size N.
PENLITE n. a small torch, also PENLIGHT.
SETLINEsetline n. Synonym of trotline.
SETLINE n. a strong fishing line between buoys.
TENSILEtensile adj. Of or pertaining to tension.
tensile adj. Capable of being stretched; ductile.
TENSILE adj. of or relating to stretching.
THEELINtheelin n. (Biochemistry, steroids) The steroid hormone estrone.
THEELIN n. a female sex hormone.
VEINLETveinlet n. A small or secondary vein, especially on the wing of an insect or the leaf of a plant.
VEINLET n. a small vein, also VEINULE, VEINULET, VENULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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