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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing 3E, I, P and R

CREEPIEcreepie n. (Scotland) A low stool.
CREEPIE n. a low stool; a stool of repentance.
EPIMEREepimere n. (Biology) One of the segments of the transverse axis, or the so-called homonymous parts; as, for example…
EPIMERE n. in an embryo, the part of the mesoderm that divides to form the dermatome and myotomes.
PEERIERpeerier adj. Comparative form of peerie: more peerie.
peerier adj. Comparative form of peery: more peery.
PEERIE adj. (Scots) small.
PEERIESpeeries n. Plural of peerie.
PEERY n. a wooden spinning top, also PEERIE.
PERIGEEperigee n. (Astronomy) The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is closest to the Earth: the periapsis of an Earth orbiter.
perigee n. (Astronomy, more generally) The point, in an orbit about any planet, that is closest to the planet…
perigee n. (Possibly archaic outside astrology) The point, in any trajectory of an object in space, where it is…
PREEMIEpreemie n. (Informal) A baby that has been born prematurely.
PREEMIE n. a premature baby, also PREMIE, PREMY.
SEEPIERseepier adj. Comparative form of seepy: more seepy.
SEEPY adj. oozing with water.
WEEPIERweepier adj. Comparative form of weepy: more weepy.
WEEPY adj. tending to weep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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