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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing E, F, I, 2L and T

DEFIBRILLATIONSdefibrillations n. Plural of defibrillation.
DEFIBRILLATION n. the act of defibrillating.
DEFLOCCULATIONSdeflocculations n. Plural of deflocculation.
DEFLOCCULATION n. the process of deflocculating.
DINOFLAGELLATESdinoflagellates n. Plural of dinoflagellate.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
DISRESPECTFULLYdisrespectfully adv. In a disrespectful manner; with a lack of respect.
DISRESPECTFUL adv. showing a lack of respect.
FETISHISTICALLYfetishistically adv. In a fetishistic manner.
FETISHISTIC adv. relating to or exhibiting fetishism, devotion to or reverence for a fetish or fetishes.
FEUILLETONISTICfeuilletonistic adj. Characteristic of feuilletonism.
FEUILLETONISTIC adj. related to feuilletonism.
FILTERABILITIESfilterabilities n. Plural of filterability.
FILTERABILITY n. the quality of being filterable, also FILTRABILITY.
HETEROFLEXIBLESheteroflexibles n. Plural of heteroflexible.
HETEROFLEXIBLE n. one of flexible sexual orientation.
INFALLIBILITIESinfallibilities n. Plural of infallibility.
INFALLIBILITY n. the state of being infallible.
INFINITESIMALLYinfinitesimally adv. In an infinitesimal manner.
infinitesimally adv. To an infinitesimal degree.
INFINITESIMAL adv. taking on values arbitrarily close to but greater than zero.
INFLEXIBILITIESinflexibilities n. Plural of inflexibility.
INFLEXIBILITY n. the state of being inflexible.
LIGNOSULFONATESlignosulfonates n. Plural of lignosulfonate.
LIGNOSULFONATE n. any of various compounds produced from the spent sulfite liquor in the pulping of softwood in papermaking and used esp. for binders and dispersing agents.
NONFULFILLMENTSnonfulfillments n. Plural of nonfulfillment.
NONFULFILLMENT n. something that is not fulfillment, also NONFULFILMENT.
NONINFLECTIONALnoninflectional adj. Not inflectional.
NONINFLECTIONAL adj. not inflectional.
OVERFULFILLMENTSorry, definition not available.
PLENTIFULNESSESPLENTIFULNESS n. the state of being plentiful.
REFLEXIBILITIESreflexibilities n. Plural of reflexibility.
REFLEXIBILITY n. the state of being reflexible, capable of being reflected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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