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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing 2E, H, 2T and Z

ANESTHETIZATIONanesthetization n. The administration of anesthesia.
ANESTHETIZATION n. the process of anesthetizing, also ANESTHETISATION.
APOPHTHEGMATIZEapophthegmatize v. Alternative form of apothegmatize.
APOPHTHEGMATIZE v. to speak in apophthegms, also APOPHTHEGMATISE.
CATHETERIZATIONcatheterization n. The procedure of introducing a catheter.
CATHETERIZATION n. the use of or introduction of a catheter (as in or into the bladder, trachea, or heart), also CATHETERISATION.
EPITHELIZATIONSepithelizations n. Plural of epithelization.
EPITHELIZATION n. the act of epithelizing, also EPITHELISATION.
ETHEREALIZATIONetherealization n. The act or process of etherealizing.
ETHEREALIZATION n. the act of etherealizing, also ETHEREALISATION.
HYSTERECTOMIZEDhysterectomized v. Simple past tense and past participle of hysterectomize.
HYSTERECTOMIZE v. to remove the womb, also HYSTERECTOMISE.
HYSTERECTOMIZEShysterectomizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hysterectomize.
HYSTERECTOMIZE v. to remove the womb, also HYSTERECTOMISE.
PHOTOSENSITIZEDphotosensitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of photosensitize.
photosensitized adj. That has been made photosensitive.
PHOTOSENSITIZE v. to make photosensitive by chemical or other means, also PHOTOSENSITISE.
PHOTOSENSITIZERphotosensitizer n. (Chemistry) A molecular or atomic species that initiates a photochemical reaction.
PHOTOSENSITIZER n. an agent that photosensitises, also PHOTOSENSITISER.
PHOTOSENSITIZESphotosensitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photosensitize.
PHOTOSENSITIZE v. to make photosensitive by chemical or other means, also PHOTOSENSITISE.
PHOTOSYNTHESIZEphotosynthesize v. To synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water using the energy of light by photosynthesis.
PHOTOSYNTHESIZE v. to carry out photosynthesis, also PHOTOSYNTHESISE.
RETHEORIZATIONSretheorizations n. Plural of retheorization.
UNANAESTHETIZEDunanaesthetized adj. Alternative spelling of unanesthetized.
unanæsthetized adj. Obsolete typography of unanaesthetized.
UNANAESTHETIZED adj. not anaesthetized, also UNANAESTHETISED.
WEATHERIZATIONSweatherizations n. Plural of weatherization.
WEATHERIZATION n. the act of weatherizing, also WEATHERISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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