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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing 2E, L, M and 2P

AMPELOGRAPHIESAMPELOGRAPHY n. the study of grapevines.
HYPERLIPIDEMIAhyperlipidemia n. (Medicine) An excess quantity of lipid in the blood; a symptom of several medical conditions.
HYPERLIPIDEMIA n. an abnormally high level of fat in the blood, also HYPERLIPEMIA, HYPERLIPIDAEMIA.
IMPERCEPTIVELYimperceptively adv. (Proscribed) imperceptibly.
IMPERCEPTIVE adv. not perceptive.
OMPHALOSKEPSESOMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance.
PAMPHLETEERINGpamphleteering n. The printing and distribution of pamphlets, especially as propaganda.
pamphleteering v. Present participle of pamphleteer.
PAMPHLETEERING n. the writing and/or distribution of pamphlets.
PARALEIPOMENONPARALEIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALIPOMENON.
PERIMENOPAUSALperimenopausal adj. Of, pertaining to, or experiencing perimenopause.
PERIMENOPAUSAL adj. relating to the perimenopause.
PLASMAPHERESESplasmaphereses n. Plural of plasmapheresis.
PLASMAPHERESIS n. the process of separating plasma from red blood cells in blood from donor, and returning red blood cells to donor.
PLASMAPHERESISplasmapheresis n. (Medicine) A procedure in which whole blood is removed from a donor or patient and centrifuged to isolate…
PLASMAPHERESIS n. the process of separating plasma from red blood cells in blood from donor, and returning red blood cells to donor.
PREDEVELOPMENTpredevelopment n. A phase of preparation prior to development.
PREDEVELOPMENT n. a preliminary development.
SUPERIMPOSABLEsuperimposable adj. Able to be superimposed.
SUPERIMPOSABLE adj. capable of being superimposed.
SUPPLEMENTALLYsupplementally adv. In a supplemental manner.
SUPPLEMENTAL adv. serving to supplement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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