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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing 2E, F, M and 2T

AFFREIGHTMENTSaffreightments n. Plural of affreightment.
AFFREIGHTMENT n. hiring of a vessel.
AFTERTREATMENTAFTERTREATMENT n. additional treatment that is given to a patient following an illness or medical procedure.
DIFFRACTOMETERdiffractometer n. A device that uses diffraction (especially X-ray diffraction) to investigate the structure of matter.
DIFFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
DISFEATUREMENTDISFEATUREMENT n. the act of disfeaturing.
FERMENTABILITYfermentability n. The condition of being fermentable.
FERMENTABILITY n. the quality of being fermentable.
FERMENTATIVELYfermentatively adv. In a fermentative manner.
fermentatively adv. With regard to fermentation.
FERMENTATIVE adv. causing or consisting of fermentation.
FOOTPLATEWOMENFOOTPLATEWOMAN n. a female train driver and assistant.
FORESTALLMENTSforestallments n. Plural of forestallment.
FORESTALLMENT n. the act of forestalling.
INTERFEROMETERinterferometer n. (Physics) any of several instruments that use the interference of waves to determine wavelengths and…
INTERFEROMETER n. an instrument for analysing spectra of light.
INTERFEROMETRYinterferometry n. (Physics) The design and use of optical or radio interferometers.
INTERFEROMETRY n. the use of two telescopes separated.
OLFACTOMETRIESOLFACTOMETRY n. the measurement of the sharpness of the sense of smell.
REFLECTOMETERSreflectometers n. Plural of reflectometer.
REFLECTOMETER n. instrument for measuring reflectance of radiant energy.
REFRACTOMETERSrefractometers n. Plural of refractometer.
REFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the refraction of light.
REFRACTOMETRICrefractometric adj. Of or pertaining to refractometry.
refractometric adj. Measured using a refractometer.
REFRACTOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by refractometer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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