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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing E, 3M, P and R

EPIGRAMMATISMepigrammatism n. The use of epigrams; epigrammatical character.
EPIGRAMMATISM n. the making of epigrams.
HEMIMORPHISMShemimorphisms n. Plural of hemimorphism.
HEMIMORPHISM n. the state of being hemimorphic.
HOMEOMORPHISMhomeomorphism n. (Topology) a continuous bijection from one topological space to another, with continuous inverse.
homeomorphism n. (Chemistry) a similarity in the crystal structure of unrelated compounds.
HOMEOMORPHISM n. one-to-one correspondence of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.
MAMMOGRAPHIESmammographies n. Plural of mammography.
MAMMOGRAPHY n. an X-ray of the breast.
MESOMORPHISMSMESOMORPHISM n. the state of being mesomorphic.
METAMORPHISMSmetamorphisms n. Plural of metamorphism.
METAMORPHISM n. the processes of recrystallization, textural and mineralogical change that take place in the solid state under conditions beyond those normally encountered during diagenesis.
METEMPIRICISMmetempiricism n. The science that is concerned with metempirics.
METEMPIRICISM n. the study of metempiric ideas.
MISPROGRAMMEDmisprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprogram.
MISPROGRAM v. to program incorrectly.
MONOMORPHEMICmonomorphemic adj. (Linguistics) Consisting of only one morpheme; not divisible into smaller parts.
MONOMORPHEMIC adj. consisting of only one morpheme.
PRECOMMITMENTprecommitment n. A prior commitment.
PRECOMMITMENT n. a preliminary commitment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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