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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing E, L, M, P, T and V

COMPARATIVELYcomparatively adv. In a comparative manner.
comparatively adv. When compared to other entities.
COMPARATIVE adv. of the nature of comparison.
COMPELLATIVEScompellatives n. Plural of compellative.
COMPELLATIVE n. compellation.
COMPETITIVELYcompetitively adv. In a competitive manner.
COMPETITIVE adv. relating to competition.
CONSUMPTIVELYconsumptively adv. In a consumptive manner.
CONSUMPTIVE adv. tending to consume.
CONTEMPLATIVEcontemplative adj. Inclined to contemplate; introspective and thoughtful; meditative.
contemplative adj. Pertaining to a religious contemplative, or a contemplative religious orders, especially the Roman Catholic varieties.
contemplative adj. Relating to, or having the power of, contemplation.
DEVELOPMENTALdevelopmental adj. Related to development.
developmental n. A trainee flight controller.
DEVELOPMENTAL adj. relating to development.
IMPLICATIVELYimplicatively adv. In an implicative way.
IMPLICATIVE adv. tending to implicate.
IMPROVIDENTLYimprovidently adv. In an improvident manner.
IMPROVIDENT adv. lacking foresight, thoughtless, also UNPROVIDENT.
IMPULSIVITIESimpulsivities n. Plural of impulsivity.
IMPULSIVITY n. the state of being impulsive.
MALADAPTIVELYmaladaptively adv. In a maladaptive manner.
MALADAPTIVE adv. marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
MANIPULATIVESmanipulatives n. Plural of manipulative.
MANIPULATIVE n. one who engages in manipulation.
PLUMBISOLVENTplumbisolvent adj. Alternative form of plumbosolvent.
PLUMBISOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBOSOLVENT.
PLUMBOSOLVENTplumbosolvent adj. Exhibiting plumbosolvency.
PLUMBOSOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBISOLVENT.
PLUVIOMETRIESPLUVIOMETRY n. the measurement of rain.
PRESUMPTIVELYpresumptively adv. In a presumptive manner.
presumptively adv. As is presumed to be the case.
PRESUMPTIVE adv. based on probability or presumption.
REDEVELOPMENTredevelopment n. The process of developing something anew.
redevelopment n. The demolition of old, redundant or unfashionable buildings or infrastructure and the construction of…
REDEVELOPMENT n. the act of redeveloping.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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