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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, M, 2N and U

DUMFOUNDERINGdumfoundering v. Present participle of dumfounder.
DUMFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUND.
FENFLURAMINESfenfluramines n. Plural of fenfluramine.
FRUMENTATIONSfrumentations n. Plural of frumentation.
FRUMENTATION n. a gift of grain bestowed on starving or rebellious people in ancient Rome.
FUNDAMENTALLYfundamentally adv. In a fundamental or basic sense; reaching the very core of the matter.
FUNDAMENTAL adv. basic.
IMMUNIFACIENTimmunifacient adj. (Medicine, of a disease) Causing (usually temporary) immunity after contraction.
IMMUNIFACIENT adj. causing immunity.
MALFUNCTIONEDmalfunctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of malfunction.
MALFUNCTION v. to function imperfectly or badly.
MANGANIFEROUSmanganiferous adj. (Mineralogy, metallurgy) Containing manganese.
MANGANIFEROUS adj. bearing manganese.
MINDFULNESSESmindfulnesses n. Plural of mindfulness.
MINDFULNESS n. the state of being mindful.
MISFUNCTIONEDmisfunctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of misfunction.
MISFUNCTION v. to function wrongly.
NONFULFILMENTnonfulfilment n. Failure to fulfil something.
non-fulfilment n. Alternative spelling of nonfulfilment.
NONFULFILMENT n. the event or act of a promise, threat, request, hope, duty, etc. not happening, also NONFULFILLMENT.
NONMEANINGFULnonmeaningful adj. Not meaningful.
NONMEANINGFUL adj. not meaningful.
SULFONMETHANEsulfonmethane n. (Organic chemistry) A sedative drug with chemical formula C7H16O4S2; acetone diethyl sulfone.
SULFONMETHANE n. (US) a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULPHONMETHANE.
ULTRAFEMININEultrafeminine adj. Highly feminine.
ULTRAFEMININE adj. extremely feminine.
UNCONFORMABLEunconformable adj. Not conformable.
unconformable adj. (Geology) Exhibiting unconformity.
UNCONFORMABLE adj. not conforming.
UNDERINFORMEDunderinformed adj. Given inadequate information.
UNIFORMNESSESUNIFORMNESS n. the state of being uniform.
UNINFLAMMABLEuninflammable adj. Not inflammable.
UNINFLAMMABLE adj. not inflammable.
UNINFORMATIVEuninformative adj. Lacking useful or interesting information.
UNINFORMATIVE adj. not informative.
UNMINDFULNESSunmindfulness n. The quality of being unmindful.
UNMINDFULNESS n. the state of being unmindful.
UNTRANSFORMEDuntransformed adj. Not transformed; free of any transformation.
untransformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of untransform.
UNTRANSFORMED adj. not transformed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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