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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, H, I and 2O

COCHLEARIFORMcochleariform adj. Spoon-shaped.
COCHLEARIFORM adj. spoon-shaped.
CONFESSORSHIPconfessorship n. The condition of a person who continues to confess their faith when suffering persecution.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
FASHIONMONGERfashionmonger n. (Derogatory) One who slavishly follows the latest fashions.
FERROCHROMIUMferrochromium n. An alloy of iron and chromium.
FERROCHROMIUM n. an alloy of iron with chromium, also FERROCHROME.
FOLLOWERSHIPSfollowerships n. Plural of followership.
FOLLOWERSHIP n. being a follower.
FOOLHARDINESSfoolhardiness n. The quality of being foolhardy.
FOOLHARDINESS n. the state of being foolhardy.
FOOLISHNESSESfoolishnesses n. Plural of foolishness.
FOOLISHNESS n. the state of being foolish.
FORESHADOWINGforeshadowing v. Present participle of foreshadow.
foreshadowing n. (Literature, usually uncountable) A literary device whereby an author drops hints or symbolic representations…
FORESHADOWING n. the act of foreshadowing.
OFFICEHOLDERSofficeholders n. Plural of officeholder.
office-holders n. Plural of office-holder.
office␣holders n. Plural of office holder.
PHOTOFINISHERphotofinisher n. One who develops customers’ films into photographic prints.
PHOTOFINISHER n. one that develops and prints photographic film commercially.
PROFESSORSHIPprofessorship n. (Education) The office of a professor.
PROFESSORSHIP n. the office of professor.
THERMOFORMINGthermoforming n. Manufacturing process where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a…
thermoforming v. Present participle of thermoform.
THERMOFORM v. to give a final shape to plastics by heat and pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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