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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, 2I, U and Y

ENUMERABILITYenumerability n. The condition of being enumerable.
ENUMERABILITY n. the state of being enumerable.
ENUNCIATIVELYenunciatively adv. In an enunciative manner.
ENUNCIATIVE adv. containing enunciation or utterance, also ENUNCIATORY.
EXPEDITIOUSLYexpeditiously adv. In an expeditious manner.
EXPEDITIOUS adv. characterized by or acting promptly and efficiently.
HYPERACUITIEShyperacuities n. Plural of hyperacuity.
HYPERACUITY n. the state of being hyperacute.
HYPERIMMUNISEhyperimmunise v. Alternative form of hyperimmunize.
HYPERIMMUNISE v. to induce a high level of immunity or of circulating antibodies in, as by a long course of injections of antigen, also HYPERIMMUNIZE.
HYPERIMMUNIZEhyperimmunize v. (Transitive) To immunize excessively.
HYPERIMMUNIZE v. to induce a high level of immunity or of circulating antibodies in, as by a long course of injections of antigen, also HYPERIMMUNISE.
HYPERURICEMIAhyperuricemia n. An abnormally high level of uric acid in one’s blood.
HYPERURICEMIA n. excess uric acid in the blood, also HYPERURICAEMIA.
OVERINGENUITYoveringenuity n. Excessive ingenuity.
OVERINGENUITY n. the state of being overingenious.
PREUNIVERSITYpreuniversity adj. Prior to university.
PREUNIVERSITY adj. taking place before university.
REPETITIOUSLYrepetitiously adv. In a repetitious manner.
REPETITIOUS adv. characterized or marked by repetition.
RETRIBUTIVELYretributively adv. In a retributive manner.
RETRIBUTIVE adv. relating to retribution.
SEQUENTIALITYsequentiality n. The condition of being sequential.
SEQUENTIALITY n. the state of being sequential.
SQUEEZABILITYsqueezability n. The state or property of being squeezable.
SQUEEZABILITY n. the state of being squeezable.
UNBELIEVINGLYunbelievingly adv. In an unbelieving way.
unbelievingly adv. Synonym of incredibly.
UNBELIEVING adv. UNBELIEVE, to disbelieve; to cease to believe.
UNINVENTIVELYuninventively adv. In an uninventive way.
VENEFICIOUSLYveneficiously adv. (Obsolete) poisonously.
VENEFICIOUS adv. acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, also VENEFIC, VENEFICAL, VENEFICOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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