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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, G, O, U and V

HELIOGRAVURESheliogravures n. Plural of heliogravure.
HELIOGRAVURE n. photogravure.
OUTDELIVERINGoutdelivering v. Present participle of outdeliver.
OUTDELIVER v. to surpass in delivering.
OVERBURDENINGoverburdening v. Present participle of overburden.
OVERBURDEN v. to overload, also OVERBURTHEN.
OVEREDUCATINGovereducating v. Present participle of overeducate.
over-educating v. Present participle of over-educate.
OVEREDUCATE v. to educate to excess.
OVERENCOURAGEoverencourage v. To encourage too much.
OVERENCOURAGE v. to encourage to excess.
OVEREQUIPPINGoverequipping v. Present participle of overequip.
OVEREQUIP v. to equip, furnish with, or supply excessively.
OVERINDULGENToverindulgent adj. Tending to indulge excessively.
OVERINDULGENT adj. excessively indulgent.
OVERINGENIOUSoveringenious adj. Too ingenious.
OVERINGENIOUS adj. excessively ingenious.
OVERINGENUITYoveringenuity n. Excessive ingenuity.
OVERINGENUITY n. the state of being overingenious.
OVERMEASURINGovermeasuring v. Present participle of overmeasure.
OVERMEASURE v. to measure excessively.
OVERREGULATEDoverregulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overregulate.
OVERREGULATE v. to regulate to excess.
OVERREGULATESoverregulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overregulate.
OVERREGULATE v. to regulate to excess.
RENDEZVOUSINGrendezvousing v. Present participle of rendezvous.
RENDEZVOUS v. to arrange a meeting.
SUBGOVERNMENTsubgovernment n. A government that forms part of a larger government.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
UNFORGIVENESSunforgiveness n. Lack of forgiveness.
UNFORGIVENESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVINGNESS.
UNPROGRESSIVEunprogressive adj. Not progressive; not contributing to progress.
UNPROGRESSIVE adj. not progressive.
VITELLIGENOUSvitelligenous adj. (Zoology) Producing yolk, or vitelline substance; applied to certain cells formed in the ovaries of…
VITELLIGENOUS adj. producing yolk.
VOGUISHNESSESVOGUISHNESS n. the state of being in vogue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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