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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, L, P and X

COMPLEXEDNESScomplexedness n. The state or quality of being complexed.
COMPLEXEDNESS n. the state of being complex.
COMPLEXNESSESCOMPLEXNESS n. the state of being complex.
DEMULTIPLEXERdemultiplexer n. (Computing, electronics) A device or piece of software used to separate signals that were previously…
DEMULTIPLEXER n. an electronic device that separates a multiplex signal into its component parts.
EXASPERATEDLYexasperatedly adv. In an exasperated manner.
EXASPERATED adv. EXASPERATE, to excite the anger of.
EXCEPTIONABLEexceptionable adj. Liable to cause disapproval, objection or debate.
EXCEPTIONABLE adj. being likely to cause objection.
EXEMPLARINESSexemplariness n. The state or condition of being exemplary, serving as a shining example.
EXEMPLARINESS n. the state of being exemplary.
EXEMPLARITIESexemplarities n. Plural of exemplarity.
EXEMPLARITY n. the state of being exemplary.
EXEMPLIFIABLEexemplifiable adj. That can be exemplified.
EXEMPLIFIABLE adj. that can be exemplified.
EXPLOSIVENESSexplosiveness n. The state of being explosive.
EXPLOSIVE n. tending to explode.
EXTREMOPHILESextremophiles n. Plural of extremophile.
EXTREMOPHILE n. an organism that lives under extreme environmental conditions.
INEXPEDIENTLYinexpediently adv. In a way that is not expedient.
INEXPEDIENT adv. not expedient.
INEXPENSIVELYinexpensively adv. In an inexpensive manner.
INEXPENSIVE adv. not expensive, also UNEXPENSIVE.
INEXPRESSIBLEinexpressible adj. Unable to be expressed; not able to be put into words.
INEXPRESSIBLE adj. that cannot be expressed.
NONEXPENDABLEnonexpendable adj. Not expendable.
NONEXPENDABLE adj. not expendable.
OVEREXPLAINEDoverexplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of overexplain.
OVEREXPLAIN v. to explain to excess.
OVEREXPLOITEDoverexploited v. Simple past tense and past participle of overexploit.
OVEREXPLOIT v. to exploit to excess.
PERPLEXEDNESSperplexedness n. The quality of being perplexed; bafflement; confusion.
perplexedness n. (Obsolete) The quality of being intricate, complicated or entangled.
PERPLEXEDNESS n. the state of being perplexed.
UNEXEMPLIFIEDunexemplified adj. Not exemplified; of which no example has been seen.
UNEXEMPLIFIED adj. not exemplified.
UNEXPENSIVELYunexpensively adj. Synonym of inexpensively.
UNEXPENSIVE adv. not expensive, also INEXPENSIVE.
UNEXPRESSIBLEunexpressible adj. Impossible to express.
UNEXPRESSIBLE adj. not expressible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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