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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, G, L and V

DELEVERAGINGSdeleveragings n. Plural of deleveraging.
DELEVERAGING n. the act of reducing the ratio of debt capital to equity capital.
EVANGELIARIESevangeliaries n. Plural of evangeliary.
EVANGELIARY n. a book of passages from the Gospels to be used at Mass or other services, also EVANGELARIUM, EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARIUM.
INVEIGLEMENTSinveiglements n. Plural of inveiglement.
INVEIGLEMENT n. the act of inveigling.
OVERLEAVENINGoverleavening v. Present participle of overleaven.
OVERLEAVEN v. to leaven too much.
OVERLENGTHENSoverlengthens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overlengthen.
OVERLENGTHEN v. to lengthen excessively.
OVERLEVERAGEDoverleveraged adj. (Economics) Subject to excessive leverage.
OVERLEVERAGED adj. (of a business organization) having an excessively high ratio of debt capital to equity capital.
OVERREGULATEDoverregulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overregulate.
OVERREGULATE v. to regulate to excess.
OVERREGULATESoverregulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overregulate.
OVERREGULATE v. to regulate to excess.
OVERWEENINGLYoverweeningly adv. In an overweening way; arrogantly.
PERSEVERINGLYperseveringly adv. In a persevering manner; with perseverance.
PERSEVERING adv. continuing steadfastly.
PREDEVELOPINGpredeveloping v. Present participle of predevelop.
PREDEVELOP v. to develop in advance.
REVEALINGNESSREVEALINGNESS n. the state of being revealing.
TELEVANGELISMtelevangelism n. Evangelism using telecommunications, especially radio and television.
TELEVANGELISM n. evangelism through the medium of television.
TELEVANGELISTtelevangelist n. A religious minister (often a Christian priest or minister) who devotes a large portion of his or her…
TELEVANGELIST n. an evangelist who conducts regularly televised religious programs.
VENEREOLOGIESVENEREOLOGY n. the study of venereal disease.
VENEREOLOGISTvenereologist n. One who works in venereology.
VENEREOLOGIST n. one who studies venereal diseases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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