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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, F, O and U

COUNTERFEITEDcounterfeited v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterfeit.
COUNTERFEIT v. to imitate or feign esp. with intent to deceive.
COUNTERFEITERcounterfeiter n. A person who counterfeits.
COUNTERFEITER n. one who counterfeits.
DOLEFULNESSESDOLEFULNESS n. the state of being doleful.
EFFUSIOMETERSeffusiometers n. Plural of effusiometer.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
FLUORESCEINESfluoresceines n. Plural of fluoresceine.
FLUORESCEINE n. a fluorescent dyestuff, also FLUORESCEIN.
FLUORESCENCESfluorescences n. Plural of fluorescence.
FLUORESCENCE n. visible light emitted from a material while it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, aka black light.
FOREJUDGEMENTforejudgement n. Alternative form of forejudgment.
FOREJUDGEMENT n. an advance judgment, also FOREJUDGMENT.
FULSOMENESSESFULSOMENESS n. the state of being fulsome.
HOPEFULNESSEShopefulnesses n. Plural of hopefulness.
HOPEFULNESS n. the state of being hopeful.
HOUSEWIFERIEShousewiferies n. Plural of housewifery.
HOUSEWIFERY n. the work of a housewife.
HOUSEWIFESKEPHOUSEWIFESKEP n. (Scots) being a housewife.
NEUROFEEDBACKneurofeedback n. The presentation of realtime feedback on brainwave activity, as measured by sensors on the scalp, sometimes…
NEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.
OVERFULNESSESOVERFULNESS n. the state of being overfull.
PROFUSENESSESprofusenesses n. Plural of profuseness.
PROFUSENESS n. the state of being profuse.
REPOSEFULNESSreposefulness n. Quality of being reposeful.
REPOSEFULNESS n. the state of being reposeful.
UNENFORCEABLEunenforceable adj. Resistant to enforcement.
UNENFORCEABLE adj. not enforceable.
UNFORESEEABLEunforeseeable adj. Incapable of being foreseen or anticipated.
UNFORESEEABLE adj. not foreseeable.
UNFORESEEABLYunforeseeably adv. In an unforeseeable manner; without the possibility of being predicted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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