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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, F, H and S

CHESTERFIELDSchesterfields n. Plural of chesterfield.
Chesterfields n. Plural of Chesterfield.
FATHEADEDNESSfatheadedness n. The quality of being fatheaded.
FATHEADED n. stupid.
FLESHLINESSESFLESHLINESS n. the state of being fleshly.
FORESHORTENEDforeshortened v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreshorten.
FORESHORTEN v. to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained.
FREEWHEELINGSFREEWHEELING n. the act of freewheeling.
HASENPFEFFERShasenpfeffers n. Plural of hasenpfeffer.
HASENPFEFFER n. (German) a well seasoned rabbit stew.
HATEFULNESSEShatefulnesses n. Plural of hatefulness.
HATEFULNESS n. the state of being hateful.
HEEDFULNESSESHEEDFULNESS n. the state of being heedful.
HELPFULNESSEShelpfulnesses n. Plural of helpfulness.
HELPFULNESS n. the state of being helpful.
HOPEFULNESSEShopefulnesses n. Plural of hopefulness.
HOPEFULNESS n. the state of being hopeful.
HORSEFEATHERShorsefeathers interj. (Euphemistic) Indicates disbelief.
horsefeathers n. Plural of horsefeather (singular not used).
horsefeathers n. (Euphemistic) Nonsense; indicates disbelief.
HOUSEWIFERIEShousewiferies n. Plural of housewifery.
HOUSEWIFERY n. the work of a housewife.
HOUSEWIFESKEPHOUSEWIFESKEP n. (Scots) being a housewife.
SCENESHIFTERSsceneshifters n. Plural of sceneshifter.
scene-shifters n. Plural of scene-shifter.
SCENESHIFTER n. a worker who moves the scenes in a theater.
SCHADENFREUDEschadenfreude n. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
SCHADENFREUDE n. (German) enjoyment gained from others' troubles.
SELFISHNESSESselfishnesses n. Plural of selfishness.
SELFISHNESS n. the state of being selfish.
SPEECHFULNESSspeechfulness n. Quality of being speechful.
SPEECHFULNESS n. the state of being speechful.
THREEFOLDNESSthreefoldness n. The property of being threefold.
THREEFOLDNESS n. the state of being threefold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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