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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, 2N, O, P and Z

BENZOAPYRENEbenzoapyrene n. A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, the result of incomplete combustion of organic matter at high temperatures…
BENZOAPYRENE n. a carcinogenic hydrocarbon found in coal tar, also BENZPYRENE.
BENZOPHENONEbenzophenone n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any of a class of aromatic ketones based on the parent compound diphenylketone…
benzophenone n. (Organic chemistry, uncountable) The compound diphenylmethanone.
BENZOPHENONE n. a colorless crystalline ketone used esp. as a perfume fixative and in sunscreens.
BENZOPYRENESbenzopyrenes n. Plural of benzopyrene.
NEOPAGANIZEDneopaganized v. Simple past tense and past participle of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
NEOPAGANIZESneopaganizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
PANCREOZYMINpancreozymin n. (Dated) cholecystokinin.
PANCREOZYMIN n. a hormone that stimulates enzyme production by the pancreas.
PENALIZATIONpenalization n. The act of punishing; punishment.
PENALIZATION n. the act of penalizing, also PENALISATION.
PENELOPIZINGpenelopizing v. Present participle of penelopize.
PENELOPIZE v. to undo what you have earlier done, in so delaying a decision due upon completion, also PENELOPISE.
PENTAZOCINESpentazocines n. Plural of pentazocine.
PENTAZOCINE n. a synthetic analgesic drug, less addictive than morphine.
PHENOMENIZEDphenomenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of phenomenize.
PHENOMENIZE v. to bring into the world of experience, also PHENOMENISE.
PHENOMENIZESphenomenizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phenomenize.
PHENOMENIZE v. to bring into the world of experience, also PHENOMENISE.
PRECOGNIZANTprecognizant adj. Displaying precognition.
PRECOGNIZANT adj. having foreknowledge, also PRECOGNISANT.
PRECOGNIZINGprecognizing v. Present participle of precognize.
PRECOGNIZE v. to know beforehand, also PRECOGNISE.
SPLENIZATIONsplenization n. (Medicine) A morbid state of the lung produced by inflammation, in which its tissue resembles that of the spleen.
SPLENIZATION n. conversion (e.g. of the lung) into a spongy, spleen-like substance, also SPLENISATION.
UNPATRONIZEDunpatronized adj. Not patronized.
UNPATRONIZED adj. not patronized, also UNPATRONISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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