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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing E, 2N, 2O and Z

AMAZONSTONESamazonstones n. Plural of amazonstone.
AMAZONSTONE n. a green microcline, aka amazonite.
AMINOBENZOICaminobenzoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to aminobenzoic acid or its derivatives.
AMINOBENZOIC adj. as in aminobenzoic acid.
BENZOPHENONEbenzophenone n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any of a class of aromatic ketones based on the parent compound diphenylketone…
benzophenone n. (Organic chemistry, uncountable) The compound diphenylmethanone.
BENZOPHENONE n. a colorless crystalline ketone used esp. as a perfume fixative and in sunscreens.
BENZOQUINONEbenzoquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Either of the two isomeric forms of the simplest quinone, C6H4O2, or any of their…
BENZOQUINONE n. quinone.
DECOLONIZINGdecolonizing v. Present participle of decolonize.
DECOLONIZE v. to release from being a colony, grant independence to, also DECOLONISE.
DEIONIZATIONdeionization n. (Chemistry) The use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solution.
deionization n. (Chemistry) The return of an ionized gas to its neutral state.
DEIONIZATION n. the process of deionizing, also DEIONISATION.
DEMONIZATIONdemonization n. The act of demonizing.
demonization n. Something demonized. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DEMONIZATION n. the act of demonising, also DEMONISATION.
HOMOGENIZINGhomogenizing v. Present participle of homogenize.
HOMOGENIZE v. to make homogeneous, also HOMOGENISE.
MONETIZATIONmonetization n. The conversion of something (especially metal) into money.
monetization n. The process of making a business activity profit-generating, particularly in computer and Internet-related activities.
monetization n. The conversion of an economic system based mainly on barter and payment in kind into one that uses currency…
NONMOTORIZEDnonmotorized adj. Not motorized.
NONMOTORIZED adj. not motorized, also NONMOTORISED.
NONUNIONIZEDnonunionized adj. Not unionized; lacking union representation.
NONUNIONIZED adj. not unionized, also NONUNIONISED.
NOVELIZATIONnovelization n. The writing of a novel based on fact; fictionalization.
novelization n. A text novel that is an adaptation of a story from a visual medium such as film.
NOVELIZATION n. the act of making into a novel, also NOVELISATION.
RECOLONIZINGrecolonizing v. Present participle of recolonize.
RECOLONIZE v. to colonize again, also RECOLONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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