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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, 2M, O, P and Y

HOMOEOMORPHYhomœomorphy n. Obsolete form of homoeomorphy.
HOMOEOMORPHY n. the state of being homoeomorphy.
HOMOPOLYMERShomopolymers n. Plural of homopolymer.
HOMOPOLYMER n. a DNA or RNA strand whose nucleotides are all of the same kind.
LAMPADEDROMYLAMPADEDROMY n. a foot race with lighted torches, esp. a relay race in which the torch is passed on, also LAMPADEPHORIA.
MICROPAYMENTmicropayment n. (Economics) A financial transaction for a very small amount of money.
MICROPAYMENT n. payment of a small or prorated sum for each access to a service, esp. on the Internet (as opposed to payment by subscription, etc.).
MISEMPLOYINGmisemploying v. Present participle of misemploy.
MISEMPLOY v. to employ wrongly or badly.
MYRMECOPHILEmyrmecophile n. An organism, especially an insect, that lives in close association with or shares a nest with a species of ant.
MYRMECOPHILE n. an organism that shares an ant colony.
MYRMECOPHILYmyrmecophily n. The condition of being myrmecophilous.
MYRMECOPHILY n. a symbiotic relation with ants.
MYTHOPOEISMSMYTHOPOEISM n. the making of myths.
POLYDEMONISMpolydemonism n. (Religion) The existence of multiple demons; the worship of these demons.
POLYDEMONISM n. the belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers, also POLYDAEMONISM.
PRASEODYMIUMpraseodymium n. A chemical element (symbol Pr) with an atomic number of 59, a soft, silvery, malleable and ductile metal…
PRASEODYMIUM n. a chemical element, a metal with green salts, isolated from the once-supposed element didymium.
PSAMMOPHYTESpsammophytes n. Plural of psammophyte.
PSAMMOPHYTE n. a plant adapted to growing in sand.
REEMPLOYMENTreemployment n. (Uncountable) The condition of being reemployed.
reemployment n. (Countable) A second or subsequent employment.
reëmployment n. Rare spelling of reemployment.
SPHYGMOMETERsphygmometer n. A sphygmomanometer.
SPHYGMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure.
SYMPTOMATIZEsymptomatize v. (Transitive) To be a symptom of (a named condition).
SYMPTOMATIZE v. to be a symptom of, also SYMPTOMATISE.
UNEMPLOYMENTunemployment n. The state of having no job; joblessness.
unemployment n. The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy.
unemployment n. The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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