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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing E, 3M, N and O

COMMANDMENTScommandments n. Plural of commandment.
Commandments n. Plural of Commandment.
COMMANDMENT n. the act or power of commanding.
COMMENCEMENTcommencement n. The first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing; the beginning.
commencement n. The day when degrees are conferred by colleges and universities upon students and others.
commencement n. A graduation ceremony, from a school, college or university.
COMMENSALISMcommensalism n. (Ecology) A sharing of the same environment by two organisms where one species benefits and the other…
commensalism n. The act of eating together; table fellowship.
COMMENSALISM n. a relation between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging or benefiting it.
COMMITTEEMANcommitteeman n. A man who is a member of a committee.
committeeman n. (US) A man who is a local leader of a political party.
COMMITTEEMAN n. a member of a committee.
COMMITTEEMENcommitteemen n. Plural of committeeman.
COMMITTEEMAN n. a member of a committee.
IMMERSIONISMimmersionism n. (Theology) The doctrine that immersion is an essential part of Christian baptism.
immersionism n. Immersion journalism.
IMMERSIONISM n. the practise of baptism by immersion.
MONOGRAMMERSmonogrammers n. Plural of monogrammer.
MONOGRAMMER n. one who designs monograms.
MONOSYMMETRYmonosymmetry n. The quality of being monosymmetrical.
MONOSYMMETRY n. the state of being monosymmetric, having only one plane of symmetry.
RECOMMITMENTrecommitment n. A renewal of a commitment, or an act of recommitting.
RECOMMITMENT n. the act of recommitting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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