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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing E, L, 3O and V

COEVOLUTIONScoevolutions n. Plural of coevolution.
co-evolutions n. Plural of co-evolution.
COEVOLUTION n. the parallel evolution of two kinds of organisms that are interdependent, like flowers and their pollinators, and where any change in one will result in an adaptive response in the other.
LEVOROTATORYlevorotatory adj. (Chemistry, of an optically active compound or crystal) That rotates the plane of polarized light to…
LEVOROTATORY adj. counterclockwise; rotating the plane of polarization of light to the left, also LAEVOROTATORY, LEVOROTARY.
LOCOMOTIVELYLOCOMOTIVE adv. moving from place to place.
OVERCOLORINGovercoloring v. Present participle of overcolor.
overcoloring n. Alternative form of overcolouring.
OVERCOLOR v. to color too highly, also OVERCOLOUR.
OVERCOLOUREDovercoloured adj. Alternative form of overcolored.
overcoloured v. Simple past tense and past participle of overcolour.
OVERCOLOUR v. to colour to excess, also OVERCOLOR.
OVERCONTROLSovercontrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcontrol.
OVERCONTROL v. to control excessively.
OVERFLOODINGoverflooding v. Present participle of overflood.
OVERFLOOD v. to flood excessively.
OVERGLOOMINGoverglooming v. Present participle of overgloom.
OVERGLOOM v. to cover with gloom.
SERVOCONTROLservocontrol n. A control that uses a servomechanism.
SERVOCONTROL n. in aircraft, a reinforcing mechanism for the pilot's effort, usually a small auxiliary aerofoil.
VIOLONCELLOSvioloncellos n. Plural of violoncello.
VIOLONCELLO n. (Italian) a musical instrument, aka cello.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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