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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, 2I, J, R and T

INTERJECTINGinterjecting v. Present participle of interject.
INTERJECT v. to interpose, throw between.
INTERJECTIONinterjection n. (Grammar) An exclamation or filled pause; a word or phrase with no particular grammatical relation to…
interjection n. An interruption; something interjected.
INTERJECTION n. a word or phrase used in exclamation.
INTERJOININGinterjoining v. Present participle of interjoin.
INTERJOIN v. (Shakespeare) to join together.
INTROJECTINGintrojecting v. Present participle of introject.
INTROJECT v. to incorporate external ideas and attitudes into one's own personality.
INTROJECTIONintrojection n. (Psychology) The process whereby the ideas of another are unconsciously incorporated into one’s own psyche.
INTROJECTION n. the incorporation of external ideas and attitudes into one's own personality.
INTROJECTIVEINTROJECT adj. to incorporate external ideas and attitudes into one's own personality.
JOCULARITIESjocularities n. Plural of jocularity.
JOCULARITY n. jesting, merriment.
JUDICATORIESjudicatories n. Plural of judicatory.
JUDICATORY n. the judicature, a court.
JURISDICTIVEjurisdictive adj. Jurisdictional.
JURISDICTIVE adj. relating to jurisdiction, also JURISDICTIONAL.
JUSTICIARIESjusticiaries n. Plural of justiciary.
JUSTICIARY n. an old name for the judges of the higher English courts, also JUSTICER, JUSTICIAR.
MAJORITAIRESMAJORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a majority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
MICROINJECTSmicroinjects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microinject.
MICROINJECT v. to inject (a substance) into a microscopic object, esp. a single cell.
PROJECTIVITYprojectivity n. (Mathematics) The condition of being projective.
projectivity n. (Geometry) projective transformation, homography.
PROJECTIVITY n. the state of being projective.
REINJECTIONSreinjections n. Plural of reinjection.
REINJECTION n. the act of reinjecting.
REJECTIONISTrejectionist adj. Having a tendency to reject the plans or proposals of others.
rejectionist n. A person who rejects some plan, proposal, fact or idea.
REJECTIONIST n. one who rejects e.g. an offer or peace plan.
REJUSTIFYINGrejustifying v. Present participle of rejustify.
REJUSTIFY v. to justify again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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