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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, H, I, N, O and X

CHESSBOXINGSCHESSBOXING n. a hybrid sport which combines the sport of boxing with games of chess in alternating rounds.
CHICKENPOXESchickenpoxes n. Plural of chickenpox.
chicken␣poxes n. Plural of chicken pox.
CHICKENPOX n. a contagious febrile disease, chiefly affecting children, not unlike a mild form of smallpox.
EXHEREDATIONexheredation n. A disinheriting; disherison.
EXHEREDATION n. the act of exheredating, disinheriting.
EXHIBITIONERexhibitioner n. (Britain) A student at secondary school or university who has been awarded an exhibition. The exhibition…
EXHIBITIONER n. a university student who has been awarded an exhibition at a university.
EXHILARATIONexhilaration n. The act of enlivening the spirits; the act of making glad or cheerful; a gladdening.
exhilaration n. The state of being enlivened, cheerful or exhilarated.
EXHILARATION n. the action of exhilarating.
EXHORTATIONSexhortations n. Plural of exhortation.
EXHORTATION n. an act or instance of exhorting.
HAEMATOXYLINhaematoxylin n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hematoxylin.
hæmatoxylin n. Archaic form of haematoxylin..
HAEMATOXYLIN n. a dye obtained from logwood, also HEMATOXYLIN.
HEMATOXYLINShematoxylins n. Plural of hematoxylin.
HEMATOXYLIN n. a dye obtained from logwood, also HAEMATOXYLIN.
HETEROAUXINSheteroauxins n. Plural of heteroauxin.
HETEROAUXIN n. a natural plant hormone, used esp. for stimulating growth and root formation in plant cutting.
HEXACOSANOIChexacosanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexacosanoic acid or its derivatives; cerotic.
HEXACOSANOIC adj. as in hexacosanoic acid.
HEXADECANOIChexadecanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexadecanoic acid or its derivatives.
HEXADECANOIC adj. as in hexadecanoic acid, a fatty acid, aka palmitic acid.
HEXASTICHONSHEXASTICHON n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICH.
HYDROXYZINEShydroxyzines n. Plural of hydroxyzine.
HYDROXYZINE n. a compound used as an antihistamine and tranquilizer.
HYPOXANTHINEhypoxanthine n. (Organic chemistry) A bicyclic heterocycle, 3,7-dihydropurin-6-one, that is an intermediate in the biosynthesis…
HYPOXANTHINE n. a purine base found in plant and animal tissues that yields xanthine on oxidation.
NEPHROPEXIESNEPHROPEXY n. the fixation of a floating kidney.
PHYTOALEXINSphytoalexins n. Plural of phytoalexin.
PHYTOALEXIN n. any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease.
SEXTILLIONTHsextillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one sextillion.
sextillionth n. The person or thing in the sextillionth position.
sextillionth n. One of a sextillion equal parts of a whole.
SULPHADOXINEsulphadoxine n. Alternative spelling of sulfadoxine.
SULPHADOXINE n. an antibiotic drug of the sulphonamide group, commonly used in combination with pyrimethamine to treat malaria, also SULFADOXINE.
XANTHOPTERINxanthopterin n. A yellow crystalline solid that occurs mainly in the wings of butterflies and in the urine of mammals…
XANTHOPTERIN n. a yellow pigment obtainable from the wings of yellow butterflies and the urine of mammals, also XANTHOPTERINE.
XENODOCHIUMSxenodochiums n. Plural of xenodochium.
XENODOCHIUM n. a building for the reception of strangers, e.g. a guesthouse in a monastery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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