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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, G, H, L and 2P

AMPELOGRAPHYampelography n. (Botany) The discipline within botany concerned with the taxonomy of cultivars in the grapevine genus, Vitis.
AMPELOGRAPHY n. the study of grapevines.
ELLIPSOGRAPHellipsograph n. A mechanical instrument used to trace out an ellipse.
ELLIPSOGRAPH n. an instrument for describing ellipses.
EPIGRAPHICALepigraphical adj. Epigraphic.
EPIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to an epigraph, also EPIGRAPHIC.
EPIPHYTOLOGYepiphytology n. Study of epiphytes and their ecology.
EPIPHYTOLOGY n. the study of epiphytes.
LIPOGRAPHIESlipographies n. Plural of lipography.
LIPOGRAPHY n. the accidental omission of a letter or syllable.
PALAEOGRAPHYpalaeography n. (British spelling) Alternative form of paleography.
palæography n. (Chiefly UK, dated) Alternative form of paleography (study of ancient forms of writing).
palæography n. (Chiefly UK, obsolete) Alternative form of paleography (paleogeography).
PALEOGRAPHERpaleographer n. A person skilled in paleography.
PALEOGRAPHER n. a student of paleography.
PALEOGRAPHICpaleographic adj. Of or pertaining to paleography.
PALEOGRAPHIC adj. relating to writings of former times, also PALAEOGRAPHICAL.
PETROGLYPHICpetroglyphic adj. Of or pertaining to petroglyphy.
PETROGLYPHIC adj. of or like a petroglyph, an ancient rock-carving.
PHLEBOGRAPHYphlebography n. An X-ray examination of a system of veins that have been injected with a contrast medium.
PHLEBOGRAPHY n. radiography of a vein after injection of a contrast medium, aka venography.
POLYGRAPHERSpolygraphers n. Plural of polygrapher.
POLYGRAPHER n. one who operates a polygraph.
POLYGRAPHIESPOLYGRAPHY n. the use of a polygraph; the interpretation of data from a polygraph.
PSEPHOLOGIESPSEPHOLOGY n. the study of political elections.
PSEPHOLOGISTpsephologist n. An expert in psephology.
PSEPHOLOGIST n. one who studies election results and trends.
PYELOGRAPHICpyelographic adj. Of or pertaining to pyelography.
PYELOGRAPHIC adj. relating to pyelography, the use of pyelograms, X-ray pictures of the renal pelvis.
TELESHOPPINGteleshopping n. (Chiefly UK, India) Shopping from home in response to offers on television advertising or shopping channels.
TELESHOPPING n. buying goods by telephone or the Internet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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