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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, 2G, H, L and R

DAUGHTERLINGdaughterling n. (Diminutive, endearing) A daughter, especially a young or precious one.
DAUGHTERLING n. a small daughter.
FLAUGHTERINGFLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
GEOGRAPHICALgeographical adj. Of or relating to geography.
geographical n. (Informal) A move to another place in the hope of curing an addiction etc.
GEOGRAPHICAL adj. of or relating to geography, also GEOGRAPHIC.
GEOHYDROLOGYgeohydrology n. (Geology) hydrogeology.
GEOHYDROLOGY n. a science that deals with the character, source, and mode of occurrence of underground water.
GRAPHOLOGIESgraphologies n. Plural of graphology.
GRAPHOLOGY n. the study of handwriting.
GREENLIGHTEDgreenlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of greenlight.
green-lighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of green-light.
GREENLIGHT v. to give the go-ahead.
HIGHLIGHTERShighlighters n. Plural of highlighter.
HIGHLIGHTER n. a broad-tipped felt pen for highlighting parts of a text, etc.; a cosmetic used to emphasize features on the face.
HORNSWOGGLEDhornswoggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hornswoggle.
HORNSWOGGLE v. (slang) to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
HORNSWOGGLEShornswoggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hornswoggle.
HORNSWOGGLE v. (slang) to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
HYDROGEOLOGYhydrogeology n. The geology of groundwater, especially concerning the physical, biological and chemical properties of…
HYDROGEOLOGY n. the study of the geological action of water.
LETHARGISINGlethargising v. Present participle of lethargise.
LETHARGISE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGIZE.
LETHARGIZINGlethargizing v. Present participle of lethargize.
LETHARGIZE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGISE.
LOGGERHEADEDloggerheaded adj. Dull; stupid.
LOGGERHEADED adj. like a loggerhead or dunce.
LOGOGRAPHERSlogographers n. Plural of logographer.
LOGOGRAPHER n. a person who writes speeches or chronicles historical events.
LOGOGRAPHIESlogographies n. Plural of logography.
LOGOGRAPHY n. a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
OVERLIGHTINGoverlighting v. Present participle of overlight.
OVERLIGHT v. to light too much.
PREFLIGHTINGpreflighting v. Present participle of preflight.
PREFLIGHT v. to inspect an aircraft before flight.
SLAUGHTERINGslaughtering v. Present participle of slaughter.
slaughtering n. An act of slaughter; a killing.
SLAUGHTER v. to kill, esp. animals for food.
TELEGRAPHINGtelegraphing v. Present participle of telegraph.
telegraphing n. A communication by telegraph.
TELEGRAPH v. to transmit by telegraph, a combination of apparatus for transmitting information to a distance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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