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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, F, G, M and 2N

DEFEMINISINGdefeminising v. Present participle of defeminise.
DEFEMINISE v. to remove feminine characteristics from, also DEFEMINIZE.
DEFEMINIZINGdefeminizing v. Present participle of defeminize.
DEFEMINIZE v. to remove feminine characteristics from, also DEFEMINISE.
EFFEMINATINGeffeminating v. Present participle of effeminate.
EFFEMINATE v. (archaic) to render effeminate.
EFFEMINISINGeffeminising v. Present participle of effeminise.
EFFEMINISE v. (archaic) to make effeminate, also EFFEMINIZE.
EFFEMINIZINGeffeminizing v. Present participle of effeminize.
EFFEMINIZE v. (archaic) to make effeminate.
ENFREEDOMINGenfreedoming v. Present participle of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
ENGRAFTMENTSengraftments n. Plural of engraftment.
ENGRAFTMENT n. the act of engrafting.
FUMBLINGNESSfumblingness n. A tendency to fumble.
FUMBLINGNESS n. the state of being fumbling.
INDEMNIFYINGindemnifying v. Present participle of indemnify.
INDEMNIFY v. to secure, to compensate.
INFRINGEMENTinfringement n. A violation or breach, as of a law.
infringement n. An encroachment on a right, a person, a territory, or a property.
INFRINGEMENT n. the act of infringing.
INGRAFTMENTSingraftments n. Plural of ingraftment.
INGRAFTMENT n. the act of ingrafting.
MAGNIFICENCEmagnificence n. Grandeur, brilliance, lavishness or splendor.
magnificence n. The act of doing what is magnificent; the state or quality of being magnificent.
magnificence n. Impressiveness.
MANIFESTOINGmanifestoing v. Present participle of manifesto.
MANIFESTO v. to issue a manifesto.
MEANINGFULLYmeaningfully adv. In a meaningful or significant manner.
MEANINGFUL adv. having a meaning or purpose.
MISINFERRINGmisinferring v. Present participle of misinfer.
MISINFER v. to infer wrongly.
NONDEFORMINGnondeforming adj. Not causing or undergoing deformation.
NONDEFORMING adj. not subject to deformation.
PREINFORMINGPREINFORM v. to inform in advance.
RECONFIRMINGreconfirming v. Present participle of reconfirm.
RECONFIRM v. to confirm anew.
SOLEMNIFYINGsolemnifying v. Present participle of solemnify.
SOLEMNIFY v. to make solemn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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