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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2E, O, Q, R and U

BOUQUETIERESBOUQUETIERE n. (French) a flower-girl.
CHEQUERBOARDchequerboard n. Alternative spelling of checkerboard.
chequerboard v. Alternative spelling of checkerboard.
CHEQUERBOARD n. a board for playing chequers.
CHEQUERWORKSchequerworks n. Plural of chequerwork.
CHEQUERWORK n. any pattern having alternating squares of different colours.
CONQUERESSESconqueresses n. Plural of conqueress.
CONQUERESS n. a woman who conquers.
COREQUISITEScorequisites n. Plural of corequisite.
COREQUISITE n. a formal course of study required to be taken simultaneously with another.
EQUINUMEROUSequinumerous adj. (Mathematics) Having equal cardinality.
EQUINUMEROUS adj. having the same number of members.
EQUIPROBABLEequiprobable adj. (Mathematics, logic) Having equal probability, such as any number from 1 to 6 being the equiprobable…
EQUIPROBABLE adj. having the same degree of logical or mathematical probability.
EQUISETIFORMequisetiform adj. (Botany) Having the form of the Equisetum.
EQUISETIFORM adj. having the form of an equisetum, a horsetail.
FOREQUARTERSforequarters n. Plural of forequarter.
FOREQUARTER n. the front half of a lateral half of the body or carcass of a quadruped.
GROTESQUERIEgrotesquerie n. The quality of being grotesque or macabre.
grotesquerie n. (Literature) A genre of horror literature that was popular in the early 20th century, and practiced…
GROTESQUERIE n. (French) grotesque objects collectively; grotesque quality, also GROTESQUERY.
MOUSQUETAIREmousquetaire n. (Historical) A musketeer, especially one of the French royal musketeers of the 17th and 18th centuries…
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A woman’s cloak trimmed with ribbons, with large buttons, fashionable in the mid-19th century.
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A broad turnover linen collar worn in the mid-19th century.
OVEREQUIPPEDoverequipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of overequip.
OVEREQUIPPED adj. excessively equipped.
PASQUEFLOWERpasqueflower n. Alternative spelling of pasque flower.
pasque␣flower n. Various deciduous perennial flowering plants, of the genus Pulsatilla, found in clumps in certain grassland areas.
PASQUEFLOWER n. a species of anemone with bell-shaped purple flowers.
QUANTOMETERSquantometers n. Plural of quantometer.
QUANTOMETER n. (tradename) an instrument for measuring proportions of elements in metallic samples.
RECONQUERINGreconquering v. Present participle of reconquer.
RECONQUER v. to conquer again.
SEQUESTRATORsequestrator n. One who sequesters.
SEQUESTRATOR n. one who sequestrates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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