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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2E, K, M, O and S

BOEREMUSIEKSBOEREMUSIEK n. (South African) a special variety of light music associated with the culture of the Afrikaners.
BOILERMAKERSboilermakers n. Plural of boilermaker.
BOILERMAKER n. a drink of whiskey followed by a beer chaser.
BOKMAKIERIESbokmakieries n. Plural of bokmakierie.
BOKMAKIERIE n. (South African) a large yellow shrike.
CHEMOKINESESCHEMOKINESIS n. the random movement of cells, such as leucocytes, stimulated by substances in their environment.
CHEMOKINESISchemokinesis n. (Chemistry, biology) The motile response of an organism to chemical compounds, especially at a cellular level.
CHEMOKINESIS n. the random movement of cells, such as leucocytes, stimulated by substances in their environment.
COFFEEMAKERScoffeemakers n. Plural of coffeemaker.
coffee-makers n. Plural of coffee-maker.
coffee␣makers n. Plural of coffee maker.
DRUNKOMETERSdrunkometers n. Plural of drunkometer.
DRUNKOMETER n. a device for measuring how much alcohol there is on someone's breath.
HOMESICKNESShomesickness n. The characteristic of being homesick; a strong, sad feeling of missing one’s home (and often left-behind…
home-sickness n. Alternative spelling of homesickness.
HOMESICKNESS n. the state of being homesick.
KERATOMETERSkeratometers n. Plural of keratometer.
KERATOMETER n. an instrument for measuring curvature of the cornea.
KERATOTOMIESkeratotomies n. Plural of keratotomy.
KERATOTOMY n. surgery of the cornea.
LEUKAEMOGENSLEUKAEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKEMOGEN.
MASTERSTROKEmasterstroke n. An action which demonstrates great skill or artistry.
master␣stroke n. Alternative form of masterstroke.
MASTERSTROKE n. a masterly performance or move.
MELLOWSPEAKSMELLOWSPEAK n. a bland nonassertive form of language associated with New Age philosophy.
METALWORKERSmetalworkers n. Plural of metalworker.
METALWORKER n. one who works in metal.
MISKNOWLEDGEmisknowledge n. Misapprehension; imperfect or incorrect knowledge; misunderstanding.
MISKNOWLEDGE n. erroneous knowledge.
MONKEYSHINESmonkeyshines n. Plural of monkeyshine.
monkey-shines n. Plural of monkey-shine.
MONKEYSHINE n. a monkeyish trick.
PROVOKEMENTSprovokements n. Plural of provokement.
PROVOKEMENT n. (Spenser) provocation.
SMOKESCREENSsmokescreens n. Plural of smokescreen.
smoke␣screens n. Plural of smoke screen.
SMOKESCREEN n. a cloud of smoke raised to conceal movements.
SPOKESMODELSspokesmodels n. Plural of spokesmodel.
STAKTOMETERSSTAKTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STACTOMETER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 222 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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