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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2E, I, O, U and Y

DESPITEOUSLYdespiteously adv. In a despiteous manner.
DESPITEOUS adv. (obsolete) feeling or showing despite.
EBULLIOMETRYebulliometry n. The measurement of boiling points.
EBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
ELYTRIGEROUSelytrigerous adj. Bearing an elytrum.
ELYTRIGEROUS adj. bearing elytra.
EQUIPOLLENCYequipollency n. Alternative form of equipollence.
EQUIPOLLENCY n. equality of force or power, also EQUIPOLLENCE.
HYPOEUTECTIChypoeutectic adj. Having a composition that lies to the left of the eutectic point in a phase diagram.
HYPOEUTECTIC adj. of a compound, containing less of the minor component than a eutectic compound.
INELOQUENTLYineloquently adv. Without eloquence.
INELOQUENT adv. not eloquent.
IRRESOLUTELYirresolutely adv. In an irresolute or wavering manner.
IRRESOLUTE adv. uncertain how to act or proceed.
ISOBUTYLENESisobutylenes n. Plural of isobutylene.
ISOBUTYLENE n. an isomer of butylene used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
PSEUDOCYESISpseudocyesis n. False pregnancy; the appearance of signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the person or animal…
PSEUDOCYESIS n. false pregnancy.
REBELLIOUSLYrebelliously adv. In a rebellious manner.
REBELLIOUS adv. given to or engaged in rebellion.
RETICULOCYTEreticulocyte n. An immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA.
RETICULOCYTE n. an immature red blood cell that exhibits a reticulated appearance when stained.
STEREOACUITYstereoacuity n. Stereoscopic acuity.
STEREOACUITY n. the degree to which a person is aware of the separation of objects along the line of sight.
SYNGENESIOUSsyngenesious adj. (Botany, archaic or very rare) synantherous.
SYNGENESIOUS adj. having the anthers united in a tube around the style, as in Compositae.
UNCOERCIVELYuncoercively adv. Without the use of coercion.
UNCOERCIVE adv. not coercive.
UNGENEROSITYungenerosity n. The quality of being ungenerous.
UNGENEROSITY n. lack of generosity.
VENEFICOUSLYVENEFICOUS adv. acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, also VENEFIC, VENEFICAL, VENEFICIOUS.
YOUNGBERRIESyoungberries n. Plural of youngberry.
YOUNGBERRY n. a large reddish-black fruit, a cross between a blackberry and a dewberry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 111 words
  • Scrabble in French: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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