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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2E, I, N, O and Q

BENZOQUINONEbenzoquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Either of the two isomeric forms of the simplest quinone, C6H4O2, or any of their…
BENZOQUINONE n. quinone.
CINQUECENTOSCINQUECENTO n. (Italian) the 16th century, esp. in reference to Italian art and architecture.
EQUINUMEROUSequinumerous adj. (Mathematics) Having equal cardinality.
EQUINUMEROUS adj. having the same number of members.
EQUIPOLLENCEequipollence n. The condition of being equipollent; equality of power, force, signification, or application.
equipollence n. (Logic) Sameness of signification of two or more propositions which differ in language.
EQUIPOLLENCE n. the quality of being equipollent, also EQUIPOLLENCY.
EQUIPOLLENCYequipollency n. Alternative form of equipollence.
EQUIPOLLENCY n. equality of force or power, also EQUIPOLLENCE.
EQUIPOLLENTSequipollents n. Plural of equipollent.
EQUIPOLLENT n. something of equal power.
INCONSEQUENTinconsequent adj. (Archaic) Alternative form of inconsequential.
inconsequent adj. Illogical; not following from the premises.
INCONSEQUENT adj. lacking reasonable sequence.
INELOQUENTLYineloquently adv. Without eloquence.
INELOQUENT adv. not eloquent.
INEQUIPOTENTinequipotent adj. Not equipotent.
INEQUIPOTENT adj. having different potentialities for development and differentiation.
MENAQUINONESmenaquinones n. Plural of menaquinone.
MENAQUINONE n. a form of vitamin K synthesized by bacteria in the intestine or in putrefying organic matter.
QUESTIONABLEquestionable adj. Problematic; open to doubt or challenge.
questionable adj. Of dubious respectability or morality.
questionable adj. (Obsolete) Inviting questions; inviting inquiry.
QUESTIONLESSquestionless adj. (Rare) Certain; indubitable; unquestionable; not admitting of question or doubt.
questionless adj. Asking no questions; unquestioning.
questionless adv. (Archaic) Certainly; undoubtedly; without question.
RECONQUERINGreconquering v. Present participle of reconquer.
RECONQUER v. to conquer again.
UNQUESTIONEDunquestioned adj. (Of a person) Not subjected to an interrogation.
unquestioned adj. (Of a fact) Accepted without question; indisputable.
UNQUESTIONED adj. not questioned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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