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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2E, 2F, O and S

AFFORCEMENTSafforcements n. Plural of afforcement.
AFFORCEMENT n. the act of afforcing, strengthening a jury by adding skilled people.
AFFORESTABLEafforestable adj. Suitable for being afforested.
AFFORESTABLE adj. that can be afforested.
BUFFOONERIESbuffooneries n. Plural of buffoonery.
BUFFOONERY n. foolish or playful behavior.
COEFFICIENTScoefficients n. Plural of coefficient.
coëfficients n. Plural of coëfficient.
COEFFICIENT n. any of the factors of a product considered in relation to a specific factor.
COFFEEHOUSEScoffeehouses n. Plural of coffeehouse.
coffee-houses n. Plural of coffee-house.
coffee␣houses n. Plural of coffee house.
COFFEEMAKERScoffeemakers n. Plural of coffeemaker.
coffee-makers n. Plural of coffee-maker.
coffee␣makers n. Plural of coffee maker.
EFFLORESCENTefflorescent adj. Bursting into flower.
efflorescent adj. Growing at a rapid rate; flourishing.
efflorescent adj. Forming a white dust or efflorescence on the surface.
EFFLORESCINGefflorescing v. Present participle of effloresce.
EFFLORESCE v. to flower; burgeon; (chemistry) to become powder when exposed to air.
EFFORTLESSLYeffortlessly adv. Without effort; without difficulty or struggle.
EFFORTLESS adv. showing or requiring little or no effort.
EFFRONTERIESeffronteries n. Plural of effrontery.
EFFRONTERY n. shameless boldness; presumptuousness.
EFFUSIOMETEReffusiometer n. A device that measures the rate of effusion of a gas.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
ENFEOFFMENTSenfeoffments n. Plural of enfeoffment.
ENFEOFFMENT n. the act of enfeoffing.
FORCEFULNESSforcefulness n. The characteristic or quality of being forceful.
FORCEFULNESS n. the state of being forceful.
INTEROFFICESinteroffices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interoffice.
OFFENDRESSESoffendresses n. Plural of offendress.
OFFENDRESS n. (Shakespeare) a female offender.
OFFICIALESESofficialeses n. Plural of officialese.
OFFICIALESE n. the characteristic language of official statements.
OFFISHNESSESOFFISHNESS n. the state of being offish.
OVEREFFUSIVEovereffusive adj. Excessively effusive.
OVEREFFUSIVE adj. excessively effusive.
REAFFORESTEDreafforested v. Simple past tense and past participle of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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