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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, 3R, S and V

OVERBORROWSoverborrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overborrow.
OVERBORROW v. to borrow to excess.
OVERCARRIESovercarries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcarry.
OVERCARRY v. to carry too far.
OVERDRAWERSoverdrawers n. Plural of overdrawer.
OVERREPORTSoverreports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overreport.
OVERREPORT v. to report to excess.
OVERRUNNERSoverrunners n. Plural of overrunner.
OVERRUNNER n. one that overruns.
OVERSTIRREDoverstirred v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstir.
OVERSTIR v. to stir too much.
OVERTURNERSoverturners n. Plural of overturner.
OVERTURNER n. one who overturns.
PERFERVOURSPERFERVOUR n. great fervour, ardour, also PERFERVOR.
RESERVATORYreservatory n. A place in which things are reserved or kept.
reservatory adj. Reserving something.
RESERVATORY n. a receptacle; a reservoir.
RESERVOIREDRESERVOIR v. to keep as in a reservoir, store.
RESVERATROLresveratrol n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry) A phenolic substance, 3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene, a stilbenoid and…
RESVERATROL n. a fungicidal phenol with antioxidant properties found in grape skins.
REVERENCERSreverencers n. Plural of reverencer.
REVERENCER n. one who reverences.
REVERSIONERreversioner n. (Law) A person who possesses the reversion to an estate or office.
REVERSIONER n. a person entitled to receive an estate after the reversion (grant) runs out.
RIVERCRAFTSRIVERCRAFT n. a craft suitable for use on a river.
RIVERFRONTSriverfronts n. Plural of riverfront.
RIVERFRONT n. the land or area along a river.
ROOTSERVERSROOTSERVER n. a computer that acts as the main server for a whole service.
SCREWDRIVERscrewdriver n. A hand tool or power tool which engages with the head of a screw and allows torque to be applied to…
screwdriver n. A drink made of vodka and orange juice.
screw␣driver n. Alternative form of screwdriver.
SILVERBERRYsilverberry n. A plant in the genus Elaeagnus, of about 50-70 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees…
silverberry n. The fruit of such a plant.
silver␣berry n. Alternative spelling of silverberry.
TRANSVERTERtransverter n. A device used in radio, consisting of an upconverter and a downconverter in a single unit.
TRANSVERTER n. a piece of equipment attached to a radio transceiver to enable it to transmit and receive on additional frequencies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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