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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, M, N, 2P and T

APPARELMENTapparelment n. The manner in which someone is clothed, including accessories.
APPARELMENT n. apparel, dress.
APPARTEMENTappartement n. (Non-native speakers’ English) Misspelling of apartment.
APPARTEMENT n. (French) a set of rooms in a house for an individual or a family.
APPEACHMENTappeachment n. (Obsolete) accusation.
APPEACHMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of appeaching.
APPEASEMENTappeasement n. The state of being appeased; the policy of giving in to demands in order to preserve the peace.
APPEASEMENT n. the act of appeasing.
APPOINTMENTappointment n. The act of appointing a person to hold an office or to have a position of trust.
appointment n. The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office to which one is appointed.
appointment n. Stipulation; agreement; the act of fixing by mutual agreement.
MISSTEPPINGmisstepping v. Present participle of misstep.
MISSTEP v. to make a wrong step.
NYMPHOLEPTSnympholepts n. Plural of nympholept.
NYMPHOLEPT n. one in state of nympholepsy, a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
PAMPHLETINGpamphleting adj. That writes or produces pamphlets.
pamphleting adj. That distributes pamphlets.
pamphleting n. Gerund of pamphlet.
PANSPERMISTpanspermist n. An advocate of panspermism; one who believes that life on Earth originated in outer space.
PANSPERMIST n. a believer in panspermism.
PENTAPRISMSpentaprisms n. Plural of pentaprism.
PENTAPRISM n. a five-sided prism used in photography.
PEPPERMINTSpeppermints n. Plural of peppermint.
PEPPERMINT n. a pungent and aromatic mint with dark green lanceolate leaves and whorls of small pink flowers in spikes.
PEPPERMINTYpepperminty adj. Resembling or characteristic of peppermint.
PEPPERMINTY adj. tasting of peppermint.
PREEMPTIONSpreemptions n. Plural of preemption.
preëmptions n. Plural of preëmption.
pre-emptions n. Plural of pre-emption.
PREPAYMENTSprepayments n. Plural of prepayment.
PREPAYMENT n. payment in advance.
PRESTAMPINGprestamping v. Present participle of prestamp.
PRESTAMP v. to stamp beforehand.
PRESUMPTIONpresumption n. The act of presuming, or something presumed.
presumption n. The belief of something based upon reasonable evidence, or upon something known to be true.
presumption n. The condition upon which something is presumed.
PROPELMENTSpropelments n. Plural of propelment.
PROPELMENT n. propulsion; a propelling motion.
SUPPLEMENTSsupplements n. Plural of supplement.
supplements v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supplement.
SUPPLEMENT v. to add or serve as a supplement to.
SUPPLYMENTSsupplyments n. Plural of supplyment.
SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing.
SUPPORTMENTsupportment n. (Obsolete) support.
SUPPORTMENT n. support.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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