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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing E, I, N, 2U and V

INCURVATUREincurvature n. Curvature; curving.
INCURVATURE n. the state of being incurved.
NUNCUPATIVEnuncupative adj. Oral; not written.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Publicly or solemnly declaratory.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Nominal; existing only in name.
PUNCTUATIVEpunctuative adj. Suggesting or pertaining to punctuation.
PUNCTUATIVE adj. relating to punctuation.
SUBJUNCTIVEsubjunctive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Inflected to indicate that an act or state of being is possible, contingent or…
subjunctive n. (Grammar, uncountable) Ellipsis of subjunctive mood.
subjunctive n. (Countable) A form in the subjunctive mood.
UNCONDUCIVEunconducive adj. Not likely to produce or support some desired outcome.
UNCONDUCIVE adj. not conducive.
UNEQUIVOCALunequivocal adj. Unambiguous; without equivocation or ambiguity; singularly clear, unmistakable, or unquestionable.
unequivocal adj. (Possibly dated) Without equal, matchless.
UNEQUIVOCAL adj. leaving no doubt, also UNEQUIVOCABLE.
UNEXCLUSIVEunexclusive adj. Not exclusive.
UNEXCLUSIVE adj. not exclusive.
UNFAVOURITEunfavourite v. Alternative form of unfavorite.
UNFAVOURITE adj. not favourite or favoured.
UNOBTRUSIVEunobtrusive adj. Not obtrusive; not blatant or noticeable; discreet, inconspicuous.
UNOBTRUSIVE adj. not obtrusive, also INOBTRUSIVE.
UNVERACIOUSunveracious adj. Not veracious; untruthful; false.
unveracious adj. Fake, imitation.
UNVERACIOUS adj. not veracious.
UNVULGARISEunvulgarise v. Alternative form of unvulgarize.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
UNVULGARIZEunvulgarize v. (Transitive) To divest of vulgarity; to make to be not vulgar.
UNVULGARIZE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARISE.
VENTRICULUSventriculus n. (Anatomy, zootomy) A digestive cavity such as a gizzard or stomach.
VENTRICULUS n. a ventricle, also VENTRICULE.
VINICULTUREviniculture n. The cultivation of grapes, especially those used to produce wine.
VINICULTURE n. vine-growing, also VITICULTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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