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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, I, M, N, O and X

AXONOMETRICaxonometric adj. (Technical drawing) Describing a projection in which the horizontal and vertical axes are to the same…
AXONOMETRIC adj. relating to the projection of objects on the drawing surface so that they appear inclined with three sides showing and with horizontal and vertical distances drawn to scale but diagonal and curved lines distorted.
COMPLEXIONScomplexions n. Plural of complexion.
complex␣ions n. Plural of complex ion.
COMPLEXION n. the colour or look of the skin.
ENDOMIXISESENDOMIXIS n. in Protozoa, a nuclear reorganization without conjugation.
EXAMINATIONexamination n. The act of examining.
examination n. Particularly, an inspection by a medical professional to establish the extent and nature of any sickness or injury.
examination n. (Education) A formal test involving answering written or oral questions under a time constraint and…
EXAMINATORSexaminators n. Plural of examinator.
EXAMINATOR n. an examiner.
EXANIMATIONexanimation n. Deprivation of life or spirits.
EXANIMATION n. lifelessness.
EXCLAMATIONexclamation n. A loud calling or crying out, for example as in surprise, pain, grief, joy, anger, etc.
exclamation n. A word expressing outcry; an interjection.
exclamation n. (Linguistics) A clause type used to make an exclamatory statement: What a mess they made!; How stupid I was!
EXCOMMUNIONexcommunion n. (Obsolete) A shutting out from communion; excommunication.
EXCOMMUNION n. (Milton) excommunication.
EXHUMATIONSexhumations n. Plural of exhumation.
EXHUMATION n. the act of exhuming.
FLUVOXAMINEfluvoxamine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug which acts by prolonging the effect of the neurotransmitter…
FLUVOXAMINE n. an antidepressant predominantly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.
HAEMOTOXINShaemotoxins n. Plural of haemotoxin.
HAEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells, also HEMOTOXIN.
HEMATOXYLINhematoxylin n. (Medicine, organic chemistry) A phenolic compound having the chemical formula C16H14O6, used (most often…
HEMATOXYLIN n. a dye obtained from logwood, also HAEMATOXYLIN.
INTOXIMETERintoximeter n. A breathalyzer.
INTOXIMETER n. a device for measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood of a person who breathes into it, and showing this measurement on a printout.
OMNISEXUALSSorry, definition not available.
PHOENIXISMSPHOENIXISM n. the practice of forming a new company with same directors, workforce etc. from a bankrupt company.
XENODOCHIUMxenodochium n. A room (or separate guesthouse) in a monastery for the temporary accommodation of guests or pilgrims.
XENODOCHIUM n. a building for the reception of strangers, e.g. a guesthouse in a monastery.
XENOMORPHICxenomorphic adj. (Petrography, of a mineral grain) That does not have its characteristic crystalline form but has a form…
xenomorphic adj. In an unusual form; having a strange form.
XENOMORPHIC adj. having a form not its own.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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