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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing E, I, 2M and 2U

CIRCUMMUREDcircummured v. Simple past tense and past participle of circummure.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
CIRCUMMUREScircummures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circummure.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
COMMUNIQUEScommuniques n. Misspelling of communiqués.
communiqués n. Plural of communiqué.
COMMUNIQUE n. (French) an official communication; esp. an official statement reporting on a meeting, conference etc.
GUMMIFEROUSgummiferous adj. That produces gum (or latex etc).
GUMMIFEROUS adj. producing gum.
INDUMENTUMSINDUMENTUM n. (Latin) a total body covering of hair, fur or feathers.
MULTIVOLUMEmultivolume adj. (Of a written work) Having multiple volumes.
multivolume adj. (Computing) Of or relating to more than one volume, or storage area.
MULTIVOLUME adj. comprising more than one volume.
MUMPSIMUSESmumpsimuses n. Plural of mumpsimus.
MUMPSIMUS n. an erroneous word or spelling that, through long usage, has become absorbed into the language; an incorrect manuscript reading blindly adhered to by some scholar.
REMURMURINGremurmuring v. Present participle of remurmur.
REMURMUR v. to murmur again; to utter back, or reply, in murmurs.
SUMPSIMUSESSUMPSIMUS n. (Latin) a correct expression that replaces a popular but wrong one.
UNIMMUNISEDunimmunised adj. Alternative form of unimmunized.
UNIMMUNISED adj. not immunised, also UNIMMUNIZED.
UNIMMUNIZEDunimmunized adj. Not having been immunized.
UNIMMUNIZED adj. not immunized, also UNIMMUNISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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