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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing E, H, N, O, T and X

ANTHOTAXIESanthotaxies n. Plural of anthotaxy.
ANTHOTAXY n. the arrangement of flowers on a stem or parts on a flower.
EXHALATIONSexhalations n. Plural of exhalation.
EXHALATION n. something exhaled or given off.
EXHAUSTIONSexhaustions n. Plural of exhaustion.
EXHAUSTION n. the act of exhausting.
EXHIBITIONSexhibitions n. Plural of exhibition.
EXHIBITION n. an act or instance of exhibiting.
EXHORTATIONexhortation n. The act or practice of exhorting; the act of inciting to laudable deeds; incitement to that which is…
exhortation n. Language intended to incite and encourage.
EXHORTATION n. an act or instance of exhorting.
EXHUMATIONSexhumations n. Plural of exhumation.
EXHUMATION n. the act of exhuming.
HAEMOTOXINShaemotoxins n. Plural of haemotoxin.
HAEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells, also HEMOTOXIN.
HEMATOXYLINhematoxylin n. (Medicine, organic chemistry) A phenolic compound having the chemical formula C16H14O6, used (most often…
HEMATOXYLIN n. a dye obtained from logwood, also HAEMATOXYLIN.
HETEROAUXINheteroauxin n. A growth-promoting hormone, 3-indoleacetic acid, occurring in some plants.
HETEROAUXIN n. a natural plant hormone, used esp. for stimulating growth and root formation in plant cutting.
HEXASTICHONHEXASTICHON n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICH.
NEOORTHODOXNeoorthodox adj. Alternative form of Neo-orthodox.
Neo-orthodox adj. (Christianity, theology) Of or relating to Neo-orthodoxy.
NEOORTHODOX adj. of or relating to a 20th century movement in Protestant theology characterized by a reaction against liberalism and emphasis on various scripturally based Reformation doctrines.
NEPHROTOXICnephrotoxic adj. That is poisonous to kidney tissue.
NEPHROTOXIC adj. poisonous to the kidney.
PHYTOALEXINphytoalexin n. (Medicine) any of several classes of antibiotics produced by plants in response to microorganisms.
PHYTOALEXIN n. any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease.
SEXTONSHIPSsextonships n. Plural of sextonship.
SEXTONSHIP n. the office of a sexton.
THROMBOXANEthromboxane n. (Organic chemistry, medicine) Any of a number of eicosanoids, related to prostaglandin, that have a…
THROMBOXANE n. any of several compounds formed from prostaglandin endoperoxides which, when released from blood platelets, induce platelet aggregation and arterial constriction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 114 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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