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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, H, M, R, U and Y

CHYMIFEROUSchymiferous adj. Bearing or containing chyme.
CHYMIFEROUS adj. containing chyme.
COUNTERMYTHcountermyth n. A myth that counters or contradicts another.
COUNTERMYTH n. an opposing myth.
ERYTHRONIUMerythronium n. A plant of the genus Erythronium; a dogtooth violet.
erythronium n. (Obsolete) An early proposed name for vanadium.
Erythronium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Liliaceae – the fawnlilies.
EURHYTHMICSeurhythmics n. Alternative spelling of eurythmics.
EURHYTHMICS n. a system of training through physical movement, also EURYTHMICS.
EURHYTHMIESeurhythmies n. Plural of eurhythmy.
EURHYTHMY n. rhythmical movement or order, also EURYTHMY.
EURHYTHMISTEURHYTHMIST n. a practitioner of eurhythmics, also EURYTHMIST.
EURYTHERMALeurythermal adj. (Biology, of an organism) Able to tolerate a wide range of temperature.
EURYTHERMAL adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMIC, EURYTHERMOUS.
EURYTHERMICeurythermic adj. Synonym of eurythermal.
EURYTHERMIC adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMAL, EURYTHERMOUS.
EURYTHMICALEURYTHMICAL adj. relating to eurhythmy, rhythmical movement or order; harmony of proportion, also EURHYTHMIC, EURHYTHMICAL, EURYTHMIC.
EURYTHMISTSEURYTHMIST n. a person who teaches or practises eurhythmics, also EURHYTHMIST.
HELICHRYSUMhelichrysum n. Any of the genus Helichrysum of plants related to the sunflower.
HELICHRYSUM n. a genus of composite plants, the flowers of which keep their colour and shape when dried.
HUMORLESSLYhumorlessly adv. In a humorless manner; lacking levity or humor.
HUMORLESS adv. (US) without humor, also HUMOURLESS.
HYDROMEDUSAhydromedusa n. The South American snake-necked turtle.
HYDROMEDUSA n. a hydrozoan in its medusoid stage, also HYDROMEDUSAN, HYDROMEDUSOID.
HYPERGAMOUShypergamous adj. Of or pertaining to hypergamy.
HYPERGAMOUS adj. relating to hypergamy, the marriage of a man to a woman of lower status.
HYPERIMMUNEhyperimmune adj. That causes, or is associated with, an extreme immune response.
HYPERIMMUNE adj. having a very high degree of immunity.
RHEUMATICKYrheumaticky adj. (Colloquial) Of, pertaining to or having rheumatism.
RHEUMATICKY adj. suffering from rheumatism.
SEMISHRUBBYsemishrubby adj. Partly shrubby.
SEMISHRUBBY adj. partly like a shrub.
SUPERPHYLUMsuperphylum n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category above phylum and below subkingdom.
SUPERPHYLUM n. a taxonomical division above phylum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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