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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, G, L, O, T and V

COAGULATIVEcoagulative adj. Having the power to cause coagulation.
COAGULATIVE adj. serving to coagulate.
COGNITIVELYcognitively adv. Relating to thinking (cognition).
COGNITIVE adv. capable of, or pertaining to, cognition.
COLLIGATIVEcolligative adj. (Chemistry, physics) Describing any property that depends only on the number of molecules present.
COLLIGATIVE adj. depending on the number of particles (as molecules) and not on the nature of the particles.
DOVETAILINGdovetailing v. Present participle of dovetail.
dovetailing n. The situation in which things are dovetailed.
DOVETAILING n. the act of making a dovetail joint.
LAEVOGYRATElaevogyrate adj. Alternative form of levogyrate.
LAEVOGYRATE adj. of, having or causing laevorotation.
LEVIGATIONSlevigations n. Plural of levigation.
LEVIGATION n. the act or operation of levigating.
LONGEVITIESlongevities n. Plural of longevity.
LONGEVITY n. long life.
OVERFLIGHTSoverflights n. Plural of overflight.
OVERFLIGHT n. a passage over an area in an aircraft.
OVERLENGTHSOVERLENGTH n. excessive length.
OVERLETTINGOVERLET v. to let to excess.
OVERLIGHTEDoverlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlight.
OVERLIGHT v. to light too much.
OVERMELTINGovermelting v. Present participle of overmelt.
OVERMELT v. to melt too much.
OVERSALTINGoversalting v. Present participle of oversalt.
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
OVERTALKINGovertalking v. Present participle of overtalk.
OVERTALK v. to talk to excess.
OVERTOILINGovertoiling v. Present participle of overtoil.
OVERTOIL v. to exhaust by excessive toil.
OVERVOLTAGEovervoltage n. (Physics) The difference between the electric potential of an electrode or cell under the passage of…
overvoltage n. The hazardous condition that occurs when the voltage in a circuit is raised above that for which it was designed.
OVERVOLTAGE n. the excess potential required for the discharge of an ion at an electrode over and above the equilibrium potential of the electrode.
REVIOLATINGreviolating v. Present participle of reviolate.
REVIOLATE v. to violate again.
REVOLTINGLYrevoltingly adv. In a revolting manner.
REVOLTING adv. REVOLT, to rise up against authority.
TRAVELOGUEStravelogues n. Plural of travelogue.
TRAVELOGUE n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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