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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing E, 2G, M, R and T

AGGLOMERATEagglomerate adj. Collected into a ball, heap, or mass.
agglomerate n. A collection or mass.
agglomerate n. (Geology, volcanology) A mass of angular volcanic fragments united by heat; distinguished from conglomerate.
ENGORGEMENTengorgement n. The act of swallowing greedily.
engorgement n. The process or the condition of becoming engorged, becoming over-filled with fluid.
ENGORGEMENT n. the act of engorging.
FRAGMENTINGfragmenting v. Present participle of fragment.
FRAGMENT v. to break into pieces.
GAMMERSTANGgammerstang n. (UK, dialect, archaic) A tall, awkward person, especially a wanton girl.
GAMMERSTANG n. (dialect) a tall, awkward person, usually a woman.
GANGMASTERSgangmasters n. Plural of gangmaster.
GANGMASTER n. a person who recruits and manages temporary or migratory labourers, esp. for seasonal agricultural work.
GANGSTERDOMgangsterdom n. The realm or sphere of gangsters.
GANGSTERDOM n. the world of gangsters.
GANGSTERISMgangsterism n. The behavior of a gangster; organized crime.
GANGSTERISM n. the ethos of the gangster.
GERMINATINGgerminating v. Present participle of germinate.
GERMINATE v. to sprout, to cause to sprout.
GLOMERATINGglomerating v. Present participle of glomerate.
GLOMERATE v. to gather into a ball.
JIGGERMASTSjiggermasts n. Plural of jiggermast.
jigger-masts n. Plural of jigger-mast.
jigger␣masts n. Plural of jigger mast.
REGIMENTINGregimenting v. Present participle of regiment.
REGIMENT v. to form into military units.
REMIGRATINGremigrating v. Present participle of remigrate.
REMIGRATE v. to migrate again or back.
REMORTGAGEDremortgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of remortgage.
REMORTGAGE v. to mortgage again.
REMORTGAGESremortgages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of remortgage.
remortgages n. Plural of remortgage.
REMORTGAGE v. to mortgage again.
STEGANOGRAMsteganogram n. A steganographic image.
STEGANOGRAM n. a cryptogram, also STEGANOGRAPH.
UNMORTGAGEDunmortgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unmortgage.
unmortgaged adj. Not subject to a mortgage.
UNMORTGAGED adj. not mortgaged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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