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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, 2G, L, S and U

BULLDOGGERSbulldoggers n. Plural of bulldogger.
BULLDOGGER n. one who bulldogs, wrestles steers.
CHOLAGOGUEScholagogues n. Plural of cholagogue.
CHOLAGOGUE n. an agent which increases the flow of bile and promotes its ejection.
CUDGELLINGScudgellings n. Plural of cudgelling.
CUDGELLING n. a beating with a cudgel.
EGREGIOUSLYegregiously adv. Conspicuously badly (used negatively).
EGREGIOUS adv. conspicuously bad or offensive.
GUNSLINGERSgunslingers n. Plural of gunslinger.
GUNSLINGER n. a person noted for speed and skill in handling and shooting a gun esp. in the American West.
MISHGUGGLEDMISHGUGGLE v. (Scots) to bungle, mar, also MISGUGGLE.
MISHGUGGLESMISHGUGGLE v. (Scots) to bungle, mar, also MISGUGGLE.
PLOUGHGATESploughgates n. Plural of ploughgate.
PLOUGHGATE n. (Scots) plowland.
SCULDUGGERYsculduggery n. Alternative spelling of skulduggery.
SCULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SKULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SIALAGOGUESsialagogues n. Plural of sialagogue.
SIALAGOGUE n. anything which promotes salivation, also SIALOGOGUE.
SIALOGOGUESsialogogues n. Plural of sialogogue.
SIALOGOGUE n. anything that stimulates the flow of saliva, also SIALAGOGUE.
SKULDUGGERYskulduggery n. (Countable) A devious device or trick.
skulduggery n. (Uncountable) Dishonest, underhanded, or unscrupulous activities or behaviour.
SKULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SLUGGARDISEsluggardise v. Alternative form of sluggardize.
SLUGGARDISE v. (Shakespeare) to make lazy, also SLUGGARDIZE.
SLUGGARDIZEsluggardize v. (Transitive, rare) To make lazy.
SLUGGARDIZE v. (Shakespeare) to make lazy, also SLUGGARDISE.
SQUIGGLIESTsquiggliest adj. Superlative form of squiggly: most squiggly.
SQUIGGLY adj. like squiggles, wriggly.
SQUILGEEINGsquilgeeing v. Present participle of squilgee.
SQUILGEE v. to wipe with a type of mop, also SQUEEGEE.
SUBLANGUAGEsublanguage n. (Computing) A subset of a language, in particular of a programming language.
sublanguage n. (Linguistics) A language restricted to a specific context, such as a particular subject area.
SUBLANGUAGE n. a subdivision of a language.
SUGGESTIBLEsuggestible adj. Susceptible to influence by suggestion.
SUGGESTIBLE adj. easily influenced by suggestion.
SUGGESTIBLYsuggestibly adv. In a suggestible manner.
SUGGESTIBLE adv. easily influenced by suggestion.
SUPERGLUINGsupergluing v. Present participle of superglue.
SUPERGLUE v. to glue with a powerful adhesive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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