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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing E, F, G, 2L and T

ALLOGRAFTEDallografted adj. Grafted as an allograft.
ALLOGRAFT v. to make a surgical graft from a nonidentical donor.
BULLFIGHTERbullfighter n. One who engages in bullfighting; a toreador or matador.
BULLFIGHTER n. one who takes part in a bullfight, a matador.
EFFULGENTLYeffulgently adv. In an effulgent manner; brilliantly.
EFFULGENT adv. radiant; bright.
FALTERINGLYfalteringly adv. In a faltering manner; hesitantly, making pauses.
FALTERING adv. hesitant.
FINGERSTALLfingerstall n. A protective cover for the finger; a fingercot.
FINGERSTALL n. a covering for protecting a finger.
FLAGELLANTSflagellants n. Plural of flagellant.
FLAGELLANT n. a person who whips, esp. himself or herself in religious discipline or sexual gratification.
FLAGELLATEDflagellated v. Simple past tense and past participle of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
FLAGELLATESflagellates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
FLAGELLATORflagellator n. Someone who flagellates; a whipper.
FLAGELLATOR n. one who engages in flagellation.
FORETELLINGforetelling v. Present participle of foretell.
foretelling n. Prediction.
FORETELL v. to tell about in advance.
FORGETFULLYforgetfully adv. In a forgetful manner.
FORGETFUL adv. inclined to forget.
FOTHERGILLAFothergilla prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hamamelidaceae – witch alders.
FOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
GENTLEFOLKSgentlefolks n. Synonym of gentlefolk.
GENTLEFOLK n. persons of gentle or good family and breeding.
GRATEFULLERgratefuller adj. Comparative form of grateful: more grateful.
GRATEFUL adj. deeply thankful.
HELILIFTINGhelilifting v. Present participle of helilift.
HELILIFT v. to transport by helicopter.
LEAFLETTINGleafletting v. Present participle of leaflet.
LEAFLET v. to distribute printed sheets of paper.
REFULGENTLYrefulgently adv. In a refulgent manner.
REFULGENT adv. radiant, brilliant, shining.
REGRETFULLYregretfully adv. In a regretful manner, with regret.
regretfully adv. (Proscribed) Unfortunately, in a manner inspiring or deserving regret; used only as a sentence adverb…
REGRETFUL adv. full of regret.
STELLIFYINGstellifying v. Present participle of stellify.
STELLIFYING n. the act of turning into star.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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