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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2E, L, M, U and Y

BUMBLEBERRYbumbleberry n. Applied to pies, juices, etc. made with a mixture of various berries and sometimes other fruits.
BUMBLEBERRY n. (Canadian) a mixture of berries used in pie fillings and in preserves.
DECUMBENTLYdecumbently adv. In a decumbent posture.
DECUMBENT adv. lying down; reclining on the ground.
DENUMERABLYdenumerably adv. In a denumerable manner.
DENUMERABLE adv. that can be enumerated.
EMULATIVELYemulatively adv. So as to emulate.
EMULATIVE adv. inclined to emulation.
EURYTHERMALeurythermal adj. (Biology, of an organism) Able to tolerate a wide range of temperature.
EURYTHERMAL adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMIC, EURYTHERMOUS.
MULTIENZYMEmultienzyme n. (Biochemistry) Any protein having two or more catalytic functions.
multienzyme adj. Containing multiple enzymes.
MULTIENZYME adj. composed of or involving two or more enzymes that function in a biosynthetic pathway.
MUMBLETYPEGmumbletypeg n. Alternative form of mumblety peg.
mumblety-peg n. Alternative form of mumbletypeg.
mumblety␣peg n. (US) Any of several forms of a game in which a jack-knife is thrown so that it sticks into the ground…
MYELOGENOUSmyelogenous adj. Originating in, or produced by, bone marrow.
MYELOGENOUS adj. of, relating to, originating in, or produced by the bone marrow.
PREMATURELYprematurely adv. In a premature manner; too soon or too early.
PREMATURE adv. ahead of due time.
RECUMBENTLYrecumbently adv. In a recumbent manner; while lying down.
RECUMBENT adv. reclining; lying comfortably.
SUBEMPLOYEDsubemployed adj. In a state of subemployment.
SUBEMPLOYED adj. employed by a subcontractor.
TUMESCENTLYtumescently adv. In a tumescent manner.
TUMESCENT adv. tending to swell.
UMBELLATELYumbellately adv. In an umbellate manner.
UMBELLATE adv. having umbels, also UMBELLATED.
UNEMPLOYEDSunemployeds n. Plural of unemployed.
UNEMPLOYED n. one who is unemployed.
UNIMPEDEDLYunimpededly adv. Without obstruction.
UNIMPEDED adv. not impeded.
UNMERITEDLYunmeritedly adv. In an unmerited manner; undeservedly.
UNMERITED adv. not merited.
UNWELCOMELYunwelcomely adv. In an unwelcome manner.
UNWELCOME adv. not welcome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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