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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2E, K, O, P and T

KERATOPHYREkeratophyre n. (Petrography) A compact porphyritic rock composed of alkali-feldspars and diopside, and possibly including quartz.
KERATOPHYRE n. a fine-grained soda trachyte.
KINETOSCOPEkinetoscope n. An early device for exhibiting motion pictures, creating the illusion of movement from a strip of perforated…
kinetoscope n. An instrument for illustrating the production of kinematic curves by the combination of circular movements…
KINETOSCOPE n. an instrument for producing curves by the combination of circular movements.
OUTSPECKLESOUTSPECKLE n. (Scots) a laughing stock, a spectacle.
PEACOCKIESTpeacockiest adj. Superlative form of peacocky: most peacocky.
PEACOCKY adj. vain, strutting.
PERESTROIKAperestroika n. (Historical, uncountable) A program of political and economic reform carried out in the Soviet Union…
perestroika n. (Historical, uncountable) The period of time in the Soviet Union during which these reforms were carried…
perestroika n. (Countable, singularity theory) A situation where a small variation of parameters leads to a sudden…
PEROVSKITESperovskites n. Plural of perovskite.
PEROVSKITE n. a mineral form of calcium titanate.
POCKETBIKESpocket␣bikes n. Plural of pocket bike.
POCKETBIKE n. a type of small bicycle.
POCKETKNIFEpocketknife n. A knife with blades or tools that the user can fold or retract into its handle, and of a size small…
pocket-knife n. Alternative spelling of pocketknife.
pocket␣knife n. Alternative spelling of pocketknife.
POCKETPHONEpocketphone n. (Dated or science fiction) A telephone that fits in one’s pocket; a mobile phone.
POCKETPHONE n. a mobile phone.
POLYKETIDESpolyketides n. Plural of polyketide.
PROVOKEMENTprovokement n. (Now rare) Provocation.
PROVOKEMENT n. (Spenser) provocation.
PYKNOMETERSpyknometers n. Plural of pyknometer.
PYKNOMETER n. an instrument for measuring specific gravity or density, also PYCNOMETER.
STOCKKEEPERstockkeeper n. A keeper of stock or cattle; a herdsman.
stockkeeper n. (Business) A person responsible for stock control.
STOCKKEEPER n. one that keeps and records stock, as in a warehouse.
STOREKEEPERstorekeeper n. One who runs a shop, either the owner or manager.
storekeeper n. One who is in charge of stores or goods of any kind.
storekeeper n. (US, colloquial, dated) Any unsaleable item.
TECHNOSPEAKtechnospeak n. Technobabble.
TECHNOSPEAK n. technical jargon.
TOLLKEEPERStollkeepers n. Plural of tollkeeper.
TOLLKEEPER n. a person whose job is to collect tolls at a bridge, road etc. where a charge is made.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 121 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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