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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2E, K, M, P and R

GAMEKEEPERSgamekeepers n. Plural of gamekeeper.
GAMEKEEPER n. a person in charge of the breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a private preserve.
HYPERMARKEThypermarket n. A combination of department store and supermarket.
HYPERMARKET n. a very large self-service store, also HYPERMART.
MARKETPLACEmarketplace n. An open area in a town housing a public market.
marketplace n. The space, actual or metaphorical, in which a market operates.
marketplace n. (By extension) The world of commerce and trade.
MEATPACKERSmeatpackers n. Plural of meatpacker.
MEATPACKER n. (US) a person or company involved in the wholesale meat trade.
PAPERMAKERSpapermakers n. Plural of papermaker.
PAPERMAKER n. one that makes paper.
PEACEMAKERSpeacemakers n. Plural of peacemaker.
Peacemakers n. Plural of Peacemaker.
PEACEMAKER n. one who makes peace esp. by reconciling parties at variance.
PHRASEMAKERphrasemaker n. A crafter of phrases; one who pens bombast or rhetoric.
PHRASEMAKER n. a maker of wordy or fine-sounding phrases, also PHRASEMONGER.
PLATEMAKERSplatemakers n. Plural of platemaker.
PLATEMAKER n. one who makes plates.
PLATEMARKEDPLATEMARK v. to mark with a platemark.
POLYMERLIKEpolymerlike adj. Resembling a polymer.
PREMARKETEDPREMARKET v. to market in advance.
PROVOKEMENTprovokement n. (Now rare) Provocation.
PROVOKEMENT n. (Spenser) provocation.
PYKNOMETERSpyknometers n. Plural of pyknometer.
PYKNOMETER n. an instrument for measuring specific gravity or density, also PYCNOMETER.
SPEECHMAKERspeechmaker n. One who makes a speech.
SPEECHMAKER n. one who makes speeches.
SUPERMARKETsupermarket n. A large self-service store that sells groceries and, usually, medications, household goods, and/or clothing.
supermarket n. A chain of such stores.
supermarket n. (Figurative) A one-stop shop; a place offering a range of products or services.
TIMEKEEPERStimekeepers n. Plural of timekeeper.
time-keepers n. Plural of time-keeper.
TIMEKEEPER n. a timepiece.
TRUMPETLIKEtrumpetlike adj. Resembling a trumpet or its sound.
TRUMPETLIKE adj. resembling a trumpet.
VERKRAMPTESverkramptes n. Plural of verkrampte.
VERKRAMPTE n. (South African) one who is narrow-minded and illiberal esp. towards black and coloured people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 94 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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