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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2H, S and W

BRUSHWHEELSbrushwheels n. Plural of brushwheel.
brush␣wheels n. Plural of brush wheel.
BRUSHWHEEL n. a revolving brush.
CHAINWHEELSchainwheels n. Plural of chainwheel.
CHAINWHEEL n. a toothed wheel, as on a bicycle, which meshes with a chain.
ELSEWHITHERelsewhither adv. (Formal) To some other place; in some other direction.
ELSEWHITHER adv. to another place.
OTHERWHILESotherwhiles adv. (Archaic) At another time, or other times.
otherwhiles adv. (Archaic) sometimes; occasionally.
OTHERWHILES adv. (archaic) at other times, sometimes, also OTHERWHILE.
SHOWERHEADSshowerheads n. Plural of showerhead.
shower␣heads n. Plural of shower head.
SHOWERHEAD n. a fixture for directing the spray of water from an overhead shower.
SOMEWHITHERsomewhither adv. (Archaic, literary) To some indeterminate place; to some place or other; to somewhere.
SOMEWHITHER adv. (archaic) to some place; somewhere.
TAWHEOWHEOSTAWHEOWHEO n. (Maori) a type of azalea found in New Zealand.
THUMBWHEELSthumbwheels n. Plural of thumbwheel.
THUMBWHEEL n. a control for various devices consisting of a partially exposed wheel that can be turned by a finger.
WHEELCHAIRSwheelchairs n. Plural of wheelchair.
WHEELCHAIR n. a chair mounted on wheels esp. for the use of disabled persons.
WHEELHORSESwheelhorses n. Plural of wheelhorse.
wheel-horses n. Plural of wheel-horse (alternative form of wheelhorses).
wheel␣horses n. Plural of wheel horse (alternative form of wheelhorses).
WHEELHOUSESwheelhouses n. Plural of wheelhouse.
wheel-houses n. Plural of wheel-house.
wheel␣houses n. Plural of wheel house.
WHEYISHNESSwheyishness n. The quality of being wheyish.
WHEYISHNESS n. the state of being wheyish.
WHICHSOEVERwhichsoever det. Emphatic form of whichever.
whichsoever pron. Emphatic form of whichever.
WHICHSOEVER adj. every one that.
WHITEFISHESwhitefishes n. Plural of whitefish.
white-fishes n. Plural of white-fish.
WHITEFISH n. a general name for such fish as the whiting, haddock, plaice, cod, sole, menhaden, etc.
WHITEWASHEDwhitewashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of whitewash.
whitewashed adj. Of or pertaining to a fence or wall that has been painted with the temporary paint whitewash.
whitewashed adj. Having had any controversy or potential for scandal removed, ignored or downplayed.
WHITEWASHERwhitewasher n. One who, or that which, whitewashes.
WHITEWASHER n. one who whitewashes.
WHITEWASHESwhitewashes n. Plural of whitewash.
whitewashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whitewash.
WHITEWASH v. to cover with whitewash.
WHOREHOUSESwhorehouses n. Plural of whorehouse.
whore␣houses n. Plural of whore house.
WHOREHOUSE n. a building in which prostitutes are available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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