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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, P, T and U

GUTTERSNIPEguttersnipe n. (Derogatory) A person of the lowest social or economic class.
guttersnipe n. (Derogatory) A street urchin.
guttersnipe n. (Dated, slang) A small poster, suitable for a kerbstone.
MUMBLETYPEGmumbletypeg n. Alternative form of mumblety peg.
mumblety-peg n. Alternative form of mumbletypeg.
mumblety␣peg n. (US) Any of several forms of a game in which a jack-knife is thrown so that it sticks into the ground…
OUTPREENINGoutpreening v. Present participle of outpreen.
OUTPREEN v. to surpass in preening.
OUTSLEEPINGoutsleeping v. Present participle of outsleep.
OUTSLEEP v. to sleep later than.
OUTSPEEDINGoutspeeding v. Present participle of outspeed.
OUTSPEED v. to go faster than.
OUTSWEEPINGoutsweeping v. Present participle of outsweep.
OUTSWEEP v. to surpass in sweeping.
PERSECUTINGpersecuting v. Present participle of persecute.
PERSECUTE v. to harass, afflict, hunt down, or put to death, esp. for religious or political opinions.
PICTUREGOERpicturegoer n. Someone who watches a film at a cinema; filmgoer.
PICTUREGOER n. one who goes to the cinema.
PREFIGURATEprefigurate v. (Transitive) To prefigure.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PREJUDGMENTprejudgment n. A judgment made before the evidence has been presented, a prejudice.
PREJUDGMENT n. the act of prejudging, also PREJUDGEMENT.
PRESTIGEFULprestigeful adj. Respected, admired.
PRESTIGEFUL adj. full of prestige.
PROGENITUREprogeniture n. Procreation.
progeniture n. Ancestry, lineage.
progeniture n. Offspring, progeny.
SUPERAGENTSsuperagents n. Plural of superagent.
SUPERAGENT n. a top agent.
SUPEREGOISTsuperegoist n. A highly egotistical and selfish person.
SUPEREGOIST n. a very egotistical person.
UNPIGMENTEDunpigmented adj. Not pigmented.
UNPIGMENTED adj. not pigmented.
UNREPENTINGunrepenting adj. Not repenting.
UNREPENTING adj. not repenting.
UNTEMPERINGuntempering v. Present participle of untemper.
UNTEMPER v. to destroy the temper of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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