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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2G, H and S

FREIGHTAGESfreightages n. Plural of freightage.
FREIGHTAGE n. money paid for freight; freighted goods.
GEARCHANGESgearchanges n. Plural of gearchange.
gear␣changes n. Plural of gear change.
GEARCHANGE n. a change of gears.
GEGENSCHEINgegenschein n. (Astronomy) A faint brightening of the night sky in the region of the ecliptic directly opposite the Sun.
GEGENSCHEIN n. (German) a faint oval patch of light directly opposite the sun in the night sky, caused by reflection of sunlight by dust particles.
GEOGRAPHERSgeographers n. Plural of geographer.
GEOGRAPHER n. a specialist in geography.
GEOGRAPHIESgeographies n. Plural of geography.
GEOGRAPHY n. the study of the earth's physical and human features.
GIGAHERTZESgigahertzes n. Plural of gigahertz.
GIGAHERTZ n. one billion hertz.
GREENLIGHTSgreenlights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of greenlight.
green-lights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of green-light.
green␣lights n. Plural of green light.
HAEMAGOGUESHAEMAGOGUE n. a drug that promotes the flow of blood, also HEMAGOG, HEMAGOGUE.
HODGEPODGEShodgepodges n. Plural of hodgepodge.
hodge-podges n. Plural of hodge-podge.
HODGEPODGE n. a confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot, also HOTCHPOT, HOTCHPOTCH.
LIGHTERAGESlighterages n. Plural of lighterage.
LIGHTERAGE n. a fee for carrying cargo by lighter.
LOGGERHEADSloggerheads n. Plural of loggerhead.
loggerheads n. Fisticuffs; fighting.
loggerheads n. (Dialect) The knapweed.
MESHUGGENAHmeshuggenah adj. Alternative form of meshuggener.
meshuggenah n. Alternative form of meshuggener.
MESHUGGENAH n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENEH, MESHUGGENER.
MESHUGGENEHmeshuggeneh adj. Alternative form of meshuggener.
meshuggeneh n. Alternative form of meshuggener.
MESHUGGENEH n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENAH, MESHUGGENER.
MESHUGGENERmeshuggener adj. Crazy, insane.
meshuggener n. A madman; a crazy person, a nutter.
MESHUGGENER n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENAH, MESHUGGENEH.
SHAGGEDNESSshaggedness n. (Dated) shagginess.
SHAGGEDNESS n. the state of being shagged.
SIGHTSEEINGsightseeing n. The activity of going out looking at things; tourism.
sightseeing v. Present participle of sightsee.
sight-seeing n. Alternative spelling of sightseeing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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