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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 3E, K, O and T

ELECTROWEAKelectroweak adj. (Physics) Describing the combination of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces.
ELECTROWEAK adj. of or relating to a theory unifying electromagnetic and weak interactions between particles.
EXOSKELETALexoskeletal adj. Pertaining to the exoskeleton.
exoskeletal adj. (Engineering, of a turbine) Having rotor blades extending inwards from the inner surface of a rotating…
EXOSKELETAL adj. relating to an exoskeleton.
EXOSKELETONexoskeleton n. (Anatomy) A hard outer structure that provides both structure and protection to creatures such as insects…
EXOSKELETON n. an external skeleton.
FORETOKENEDforetokened v. Simple past tense and past participle of foretoken.
FORETOKEN v. to be a sign of, forebode.
GREENOCKITEgreenockite n. (Mineralogy) A rare cadmium mineral that consists of cadmium sulfide in crystalline form.
GREENOCKITE n. a rare mineral, cadmium sulphide, discovered by Lord Greenock (1783-1859).
KENOGENETICkenogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to kenogenesis.
KENOGENETIC adj. related to kenogenesis.
KERATOMETERkeratometer n. Ophthalmometer.
KERATOMETER n. an instrument for measuring curvature of the cornea.
KETOGENESESKETOGENESIS n. the production of ketone, esp. in diabetes.
KETOGENESISketogenesis n. (Physiology, biochemistry) The metabolic breakdown of fatty acids to produce ketone bodies.
KETOGENESIS n. the production of ketone, esp. in diabetes.
LEUKOTRIENEleukotriene n. (Biochemistry) Any of several physiologically active lipids, related to the prostaglandins, that participate…
LEUKOTRIENE n. any of a group of eicosanoids that participate in allergic responses, such as bronchial constriction.
REVOKEMENTSrevokements n. Plural of revokement.
REVOKEMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of revoking.
SHEETROCKEDsheetrocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sheetrock.
Sheetrocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of Sheetrock.
SHEETROCK v. to cover with this.
SKELETONISEskeletonise v. Alternative spelling of skeletonize.
SKELETONISE v. to reduce to a skeleton, also SKELETONIZE.
SKELETONIZEskeletonize v. To reduce to a skeleton.
SKELETONIZE v. to reduce to a skeleton, also SKELETONISE.
SLEEKSTONESsleekstones n. Plural of sleekstone.
SLEEKSTONE n. a polishing stone, also SLICKSTONE.
STEELWORKERsteelworker n. A person who manufactures or shapes steel.
steelworker n. (Uncommon) A person employed to build steel structures, an ironworker.
Steelworker n. A member of the North American trade union United Steelworkers.
STOCKKEEPERstockkeeper n. A keeper of stock or cattle; a herdsman.
stockkeeper n. (Business) A person responsible for stock control.
STOCKKEEPER n. one that keeps and records stock, as in a warehouse.
STOREKEEPERstorekeeper n. One who runs a shop, either the owner or manager.
storekeeper n. One who is in charge of stores or goods of any kind.
storekeeper n. (US, colloquial, dated) Any unsaleable item.
TELEWORKERSteleworkers n. Plural of teleworker.
TELEWORKER n. a telecommuter.
TOLLKEEPERStollkeepers n. Plural of tollkeeper.
TOLLKEEPER n. a person whose job is to collect tolls at a bridge, road etc. where a charge is made.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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